School Trip Time/2nd Period

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After another day of failing miserably at Assassinating Koro-sensei M/n's group were in a game hall in the hotel they were staying at. The others were watching Kanzaki play while M/n was playing his own game.

'If you keep going you're gonna beat the high score' M/n's partner says and M/n nods not saying a word. Dodging all the monsters as a pro made Karma slightly impressed. Of course, he knew that M/n was good at games but he didn't know he was this good.

A little cheer from M/n snaps him out of his thoughts. 'Yeah! I am the best!' Karma looks at the screen seeing that M/n had indeed beaten the highcore.

'Type your name'

'What name are you putting?' Karma asks M/n who shrugs 'Just my name, I guess?' he says and Karma nods. Grinning widely M/n starts to move the joystick towards the first letter of his name. M/n was about to go to the Second letter but he was stopped by a certain male.

'What?..' M/n squints his eyes at Karma and Karma smiles innocently at him before leaning in and connecting their lips. M/n's eyes widened but before he could do anything Karma already had pulled away. 'And done!' Karma says and happily walks over to the rest of the group.

M/n stares at the ground flustered and confused. What did he mean by done? The male decided to just let it go and finish typing his name. However, someone just had done it for him. M/n stares at the name on the screen.





Every male in the class was now in the boy's dorm making a stupid list about who was the hottest girl. Or favorite girl. Kanzaki was at this very moment on the top which M/n found bullshit. Yeah sure the girl is pretty but I mean..have you seen Rio?!

'Figures: Kanzaki's in the top spot...' Maehara says not surprised. Another thing M/n found bullshit is that Maehara was also picking a girl even though he's totally into Isogai.

'I just want to know who likes who'  Mimura says and picks up the paper with the list. Okajima begins to freak out saying that he can't pick one out. 'Nagisa, who do you like?' Maehara asks the blue-nette. Nagisa begins to stutter not knowing how to respond. 'What about you Maehara?' M/n asks him. Maehara looks nervously at the male. 'Uhm me? My lips are sealed'

M/n gives him a knowing look making Maehara stick out his tongue at him. 'What about you M/n? I know you're with Karma but who would you pick?' Mimura asks and M/n answers without even thinking. 'Who do you think? Rio of course!'

'Ooh, looks like fun in here' Karma says as he walks into the room. He closes the door behind him and walks towards M/n 'Oh, great timing Karma! Is there any girl you would pick if M/n didn't exist?'

M/n looks over at Karma with curiosity. The red haired male thinks for a second 'Hmm...Okuda, maybe?' He says and  M/n looks at him with disgust. 'Why?..' one of his classmates asks.

'I bet she could make some sketchy drugs and chloroform-- really kick my mischief-making up a notch, y'know.' Karma says grinning widely before shrugging 'But good thing N/n exists'

'You guys, these ratings are just between us, okay?' Isogai says with a wide smile and the others nod. 'I mean, most of us don't want this getting out. So do not let the girls or any teachers find out ab--' Isogai turns to the door where a very pink Koro-sensei was. He probably heard everything but it didn't bother M/n.

'Evening, all. Mm-hmm. I see..' Koro-sensei nods before starting to write something down in a notebook. After he's done Koro-sensei quietly shuts the door closed. Everyone begins to freak out and run after their teacher.

'He took notes and shit!'

'Kill him!'

M/n shares a look with Karma. 'Wanna go after them?' M/n asks and Karma shakes his head. 'I rather do something more fun..'

M/n squints his eyes at the male and Karma holds his hands up. 'I was talking about games on my phone M/n, what were you thinking?' Karma says with a smug smile and M/n couldn't help but roll his eyes.

( How old is Karma anyway? I don't wanna cross the line if he's like 13)


Thank you for reading!

If there are any spelling mistakes please say so!

Season 1 Episode 8


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