XX Time

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The students jump on the theatre stage after defeating the male who was trying to take them down. 'Alright, tape him up!' Terasaka shouts pinning the male on the ground and starting to tape his legs

M/n and his classmates just fought a man who was weirdly obsessed with guns. He kinda freaked him out so M/n was glad he was now unconscious.

'This guy freaked me out' M/n states with a shudder. Kayano giggles with a nod. 'I agree' she says while watching the class tape the man.




Karasuma grabs the man guarding the stairs to the top floor before knocking him out. 'It seems like I'm able to move again. I'm about half strength' He says dropping the man down without any care.

The class sweatdrops. 'Still stronger than us' Kimura says rubbing the back of his neck.

Isogai looks at the watch on his wrist. He frowns 'We're out of time' he states worried.

'Students! I've come to realize something about our mastermind waiting above: he's using assassins all wrong' Koro-sensei states making the class gasp

Karasuma gulps as the realization came into his mind also. He sighs 'Time to assign roles to each of you' he says as he points at Terasaka, Isogai, and Yoshida. 'I'd like you three to--' Karasuma starts to explain what they have to do.

'All right, let's go' the students hurry to go up the stairs before stopping. Karasuma carefully takes a look around the room and gestures for them to continue moving.

They do so, each of them carefully sneaking into the room, without making any noise. M/n noticed that somewhere in the middle of the room was a chair and a desk. On the chair was their enemy sitting with his back turned to them and on the desk were multiple laptops with camera footage. Meaning that whoever poisoned the students was watching every single one of their moves.

Beside the desk was a metal suitcase. Which probably contained the virus remedy. On the suitcase was a kind of explosive taped to it with the remote to activate it on a table nearby. Karasuma raises the gun that he was holding and the students continue to move forwards.

They stopped when Karasuma waived with his hand. Karasuma aims his gun at the person on the chair. Waiting for any movement. Whoever that is didn't seem to notice that they were there.

As Karasuma was about the shoot the person said something. 'Itchy' he says. M/n didn't recognize the voice but it seemed like his classmates did. All of them gasped and M/n could only furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

'The very memory makes me itch. But maybe that's why my senses have grown so much keener: because my wounds are always exposed to the air' The male slammed his fist on the table and a bunch of replicas of the detonator went flying in the air. They fell to the ground covering their path completely. One wrong step and the antidote would be sent to oblivion.

'I told you-- I'd come prepared to kill a Mach-20 monster. I have spare detonator remotes in case one is snatched away at high speed' the person says holding another three detonator remotes.

'Of the people I couldn't reach, there were three assassins and one other' Karasuma says breaking the silence, his gun still aimed at the chair. 'An insider who vanished with Ministry of Defense secret-service funds-'

The person stands up and the class gasps. 'What do you think you're doing, Takaoka?!' Karasuma shouts not even a hint of surprise in his voice.

M/n stares at the unknown male in confusion. 'Takaoka? When did I hear his name again?'  M/n's eyes widen in realization. 'isn't he the guy Nagisa fought before?'

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