Grown Up Time

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'Allow me to introduce you to your new English teacher' Karasuma says

'Allow me to introduce Myself' The blond teacher says sweetly 'I'm Irina Jelavich. It's wonderful to meet you!' Irina says holding Koro-sensei's fake arm. He was in his disguise for some reason.

The students begin to whisper among themselves and Koro-sensei removes his human Disguise.

'One of our school goals is to give you an authentic experience in foreign languages' Karasume looks at Koro-sensei 'I trust there'll be no objections to her taking over half your English lessons'

'Well if you insist..'

'We've got us one heck of a teacher! What's more, she seems to have a thing for Koro-sensei' Kayano tells Nagisa who nods.

Irina begins to flirt with Koro-sensei making his face turn pink.




'Hup! pass Hup! kill!' Koro sensei shouts as the students are outside standing in a circle around him. They were playing a game with a football and trying to shoot him in the process.

Karma kicks the ball toward M/n and shoots at Koro-sensei. 'Hup! kill'

Koro-sensei dodges the bullet. M/n Kicks the ball toward one of his classmates before shooting at Koro-sensei 'Hup! pass Hup! kill'

Koro sensei dodges the bullet.

'Koro-sensei!' The students turn their heads to their blond teacher 'Karasuma-sensei tells me that you're so very fast. is that true?' She asks.

Koro-sensei rubs his head. 'I wouldn't say that fast..'

'You've gotta be kidding me...' M/n mumbles.

'Could you do me a favor? I'd love to try some real Vietnamese coffee...Do you think you could bring me some during English class?'

Koro-sensei's head turns pink 'Why, of course. I happen to know a great café in Vietnam' He says and speeds away to get the coffee.

'Er..Irina-sensei?' Isogai grabs her attention 'Class is starting. Shouldn't we go back inside?'

Irina-sensei Lights up a cigarette 'Class? Oh right. Just make it study hall or something'

'Also could you not call me by my first name? I won't be playing teacher unless that octopus is around, so you will refer to me as Miss Jelavich'

Karma smirks 'So what are you going to do, Miss bitch?'

Irina turns to Karma angrily 'It's vich!'

'You're an assassin right? The entire class together couldn't take down this monster but you're going to kill him all by yourself,?' Karma asks.

Irina-sensei ignores him turning to Nagisa. 'You're Shiota Nagisa, right?' Irina-sensei walks up to Nagisa and kisses him.

'Holy shit!' M/n exclaims. He could hear Kayano shriek in jealousy.

Irina-sensei pulls away from him. 'Come to the staff room later. I'd like to see what you have on him' She turns to the rest of the class 'The same goes for anyone else with key intel!'

'Want a kiss too?'

'Get away from me' M/n covers his mouth and Karma shrugs.

'Your loss'




Everyone was in the classroom waiting for Their blond teacher to say or teach them anything.

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