End-of-term Time

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'One tentacle for each top score..' Nagisa mumbles as his whole friend group was with him in the classroom. M/n was studying for the midterm exams. He really wanted to get a higher score this time.

'Yeah! We can do this!' Okuda says determined. Her high-pitched voice made M/n lose concentration. 'When are you ever this fired up, Okuda?' M/n questions making the female turn to him. 'Well, since science is my one strong suit, I might finally be able to help everyone out!' she explains with a smile. M/n nods giving her a little grin. 'I'm sure you can' he says truthfully before paying attention to his book again.

M/n hears his phone ring making the male sigh. He picks his phone up and groans after noticing who is calling him. 'Hey, what is it?' M/n questions as he puts the phone by his ear.

'I need to talk to you, after school'

M/n closes his eyes in irritation. 'Really? Is it that important?' M/n asks and the person responds with a hum. M/n furrows his eyebrows. 'D-Did dad do something again?' the male whispers carefully his eyes darting around the room as if he's scared that someone might find something out.

The person behind the call chuckles. 'No, there's no need to worry. I can take care of myself. But no that's not the case' he answers and M/n relaxes again.

'I'll always worry. You're my brother after all. Even though our parents are divorced, that doesn't mean things have to change' M/n whispers and was met with silence coming from the other side of the call. 'Meet me in the Main school area.' and with that, the male hung up. M/n puts his phone down in confusion.

'What the hell does he want?'




M/n was walking out of the campus when Isogai called out his and Nagisa's name. 'Hey! Want to study in the main-campus library after class tomorrow?' Isogai asks as he holds a library pass. 'I reserved it way in advance with finals in mind.'

Nagisa and Kayano reply with excited yesses making Isogai laugh. 'Maybe, I'll see what I'll do!' M/n says while rubbing his neck. 'I need to go somewhere! See ya!' M/n waves at the two before turning to Karma. 'Are you going with them?' M/n asks the male and Karma shakes his head. 'Okay! I won't go either then!' M/n exclaims and before Karma could argue the male had run off.




M/n stops running when he arrived at the main campus.  'N-never doing that again..' M/n pants before letting out a tiny gasp. The male stands up straight looking at the person holding a water bottle before him. M/n smiles before engulfing the male with a hug. 'Gakushu! I missed you!' the male exclaims happily as Asano returns the hug.

M/n pulls back before taking the water bottle from him. 'Hey, M/n, how're things going at school?' Asano asks genuinely curious. M/n shrugs and looks down. 'Well my scores aren't that high but I'm doing my best!' M/n says as the two begin to walk slowly through the school. 'Mum must not be happy about that..' Asano mumbles and M/n nods.

'You know the drill. Our parents are very competitive wanting one son to be better than the other. However, Mom got the bad son while Dad got the good son.' M/n mutters with a frown. The male's grip on the water bottle tightened. Asano pats the shorter male on his head. 'It's okay, how are things at home? How's Mom?'

'Good I guess..' M/n says unsure. He didn't know. His mom barely talked to him, so the fact that he barely knows anything about the woman isn't surprising. 'Gakushu, why did you call?' M/n asks suspiciously looking at his brother from the corner of his eyes.

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