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After letting the knife go in the air Nagisa wraps his arms around Karma's neck, tackling him down to the ground. Gasps come out of their classmate's mouths, shock playing on their faces.

Karma struggles against Nagisa's weight, trying to get Nagisa's arms from his neck and body.

'How is he pinning Karma down so awesomely?!' Someone states from behind M/n.

Karma's face gets red as breathing seems impossible. His hands reach out to pat the ground next to him, searching for the knife he dropped. Relief enters his body when feeling the hard surface shaped like a knife.

He raises it, everyone watching nervously from their place. Karma was one move away from eliminating the boy.

M/n's eyes widen when his boyfriend lets go of his knife, piercing it through the ground. He pats Nagisa's back. 'Uncle. I give up.' he says blank-faced. 'I lost, Nagisa.'

The blue-haired male however doesn't listen, only grips him tighter, letting out grunts while doing so.

That was until Karasuma told them to stop claiming that due to Karma's surrender the blue team had won.

(Author's note: Okay so, I wasn't in the mood to write their fight scene and stuff like that. So this is the end of Episode 18.

For multiple reasons, I'm skipping Episode 19 and moving on to Episode 20.

I hope y'all understand! (: )




'Merry Christmas!'

M/n sighs at the outfit his teacher is wearing. It's been weeks since Christmas day and only now has Koro Sensei decided to celebrate it. Of course using one of his ridiculous outfits, this time being dressed up as Santa.

And somehow he wasn't the only one. He looks down at his fluffy and red with white clothes, which he matches with his teacher and classmates.

'What a wonderful Christmas event! Yes, February means Christmas, all right!' Koro Sensei exclaims happily while his students begin to shoot at him.

'Merry Christmas, Karma.' he says glancing at the boy by his side. Karma gives him a look, putting his hands in his pockets.

Suddenly flashes of yellow clouds M/n's vision and just like that Koro Sensei's outfit changed, together with everyone else's.

'Happy New Year!' the octopus shouts, watching how everyone looks down at their beautiful Kimono in awe. 'A new year is upon us! Tackle your studies and your assassination with new emotion!' he says happily.

'You look great in your Kimono.' Karma says while poking M/n's cheek. The shorter one pushes his hand away embarrassed and huffs.

Fuwa shakes her head. 'So you're trying to take all the fun year-end events you missed out on and cram them into February?'

Koro Sensei lets out a loud cry. 'That's right! Our only winter break, and not a single one of you came to visit! And you were so earnestly worried and trying so hard on my behalf that it didn't feel right for me to invite you over...' he whines dramatically, dropping down to his... knees?

'Dumb thing to fret about when we were all so bummed out.' one of his students says rudely.

Stopping his sulking, Koro Sensei raises again, as excited as before. 'With all that behind, now's the perfect time! We'll take back the winter break we lost--all at once!'

'Does this mean I have to give you another gift?' M/n asks the redhead before gasping. 'This time Christmas Day won't be on your birthday!'

'Yes, I want another gift.'

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