Transfer Student Time

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'New student?' M/n questions as he and Karma walk together toward their classroom holding hands. Karma nods 'Karasuma had sent an email about it Yesterday' he says and M/n sighs. 'I was very busy..'

'Hey, wait up!' Rio shouts as she runs up to them. M/n lets go of Karma's hand to catch the girl who jumps into his arms for a hug. 'I didn't see you throughout the School trip!' She says with a frown.

'Blame Karma..' M/n says sending a glare towards the red haired male. Rio pulls back and smiles. ' Excited for the new student? I heard that she's a girl' She says as they begin to walk again. 'Maybe she'll be just my type.. y'know' Rio says putting her arms behind her head.

'Wouldn't get your hopes up..' Karma says before opening the classroom's door. M/n notices a strange black box that's surrounded by his classmates. 'What's this?..' M/n mumbles confused.

The trio walk a bit closer to it. Suddenly the screen turns on and a girl with purple hair comes into sight. The girl greets them. 'I will be joining your class today. My designation is Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery' she says before the screen turns black.

'Is she your type?' Karma asks Rio with a wide grin and Rio rolls her eyes.




Karasuma begins to explain to the E-class who their new classmate is. He writes her name on the chalkboard before the screen turns on. 'It's a pleasure to meet you all' she says before it turns black.

Koro-sensei starts to laugh and Karasuma turns to him angrily. 'Don't laugh! You're no better than her!'

A while later Koro-sensei was explaining to the class something about a book he was reading. 'Now, of these three characters here. One of them is already dead. The other two appear to get along well with one another' he says. As usual, Kayano and Nagisa were talking to each other about something.

Suddenly two massive guns come out of the black box making a really loud noise. It starts to shoot startling everyone in the room. After it was done the girl appeared on the screen again. 'I will be careful. Preparing to attack' she says before shooting again.

M/n covers his head with his book trying not to get hit by any BBs. Koro-sensei tries to dodge the last bullet with his chalk just like he had done in the first attack but fails. The BB goes right through his tentacle.

'Left fingers destroyed. The newly added secondary gun has proven effective' It says before putting the guns away. 'Resuming attack..' it says before starting to shoot again. This time with four more guns. Oh, how M/n wishes to sit in the back of the class right now. 'And resuming attack'




After the class was done it was their task to clean up the BBs. 'She's so annoying she could at least clean up her own mess'  M/n says as he and Rio are cleaning the ground with a broom. 'The machine could at least come with a vacuum cleaner!' Rio says and M/n nods agreeing.

The cleaning was in fain since the machine continued shooting during all the periods.




It was the next day and the machine was ready to shoot. However, it could not open the compartment where the guns were since it was duct taped. M/n doesn't know who had done it but he was very grateful.

'Koro-sensei, I cannot deploy my guns like this..' The machine says. 'Please remove my restraints'

Koro-sensei rubs his head unsure. 'Well, I don't know about that' The machine begins to complain saying that he was harming her by doing that. Which wasn't allowed.

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