Rumors Time

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Rumors, They were everywhere. Flying around in the main school campus, in the E class campus, and even outside the school property. Of course, the E-class students weren't the only ones outside when that happened. Other students were there too, not actually bothering to pay attention but also not blind enough to not see Asano dragging M/n away by his hand.

Photos were made. Videos were made. People whispering was all he could hear when Asano pulled him into one of the empty classrooms. After all that M/n left the classroom alone with a big smile. A while later the students saw Asano come out with a clear of his throat.

Both walk in opposite directions. M/n with his phone in his hand, typing something. A message. And then a quick frown appeared on his face before he shook his head and smiled again.

The whispering didn't fade down.

Some Days Later

M/n sighs deeply while checking his phone out for the tenth time. He sent him numerous messages to which Karma responded to none. His calls also weren't answered. He puts the phone in his bag while entering the main school building.

Today was the day. The exams. M/n couldn't say that he was ready, but he felt confident, and he felt better. M/n took a pencil and eraser out of his bag, making sure that the pencil was sharpened before throwing his bag into a locker and closing it.

M/n blinks and turns his head around when he gets the feeling of being watched. He quickly caught a girl's stare before she looked away and muttered something to her friend.

'Yeah I heard it....he took his....Akabane'  M/n didn't hear everything she said but it surely caught his curiosity.

He then shrugs and starts to walk toward the classroom where the tests will be taken. Whisper. Whisper. Whisper. M/n looks down and frowns uncomfortably. 'Why is everyone staring at me...'

'Yeah, poor Akabane...'

'Right, Asano and him'

'I didn't take him for a-..'

'I guess their love wasn't real-'




M/n quickly entered the classroom and sat down on a chair with a tense look.  He caught Rio's stare and gave her a smile to which she weakly gave one back. M/n frowns at the weak smile but decides to say nothing about it. Maybe the girl was only nervous, right?

Seconds later a certain redhead walked in. That made M/n abruptly stand up and as he was about to say his name, Karma shook his head and walked to the back of the class.

M/n slowly sat back down on the chair, ignoring Rio's worried stare. His heart was beating fast in his chest, what was going on? M/n didn't acknowledge the teacher walking into the classroom and starting to explain the rules and stuff like that. He finally snapped out of it when a paper was put on his table.

He quickly shakes all of his thoughts away before picking up the pencil and starting the exam. 




It all went so fast that M/n couldn't guess if it went well or not. Either way would be enough for him. He was currently by the school gates waiting for a certain someone to pass by. M/n didn't know why he was avoiding him or why he gave him a cold shoulder earlier.

But I guess we'll find out.

M/n's eyes lit up when he finally passed the gates. 'Karma!..Hey!' M/n says with a wide grin while running to catch up with him. The redhead didn't even turn, it made M/n slow down his movements. ' were your exams?' His voice is less cheerful than before.

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