Assembly Time

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'Yeah, I really appreciate the help' Koro-sensei says to his students.

'Even with all your tentacles you still can't carry everyone's lab equipment all at once'

'But now it'll be a one-trip job!' Koro-sensei grabs a pile of plates.

Isogai and Kataoka were helping Koro-sensei carry the lab equipment to the class. Koro-sensei opens the lab's door only to be met with a knife. He dodges Maehara and Okajima's Attack.

Koro-sensei chuckles and starts to put the stuff down on the Student's tables while dodging the attacks sent his way. He puts the last thing down and looks at the exhausted duo who tried to attack him.

'You okay Maehara?' Isogai asks and Maehara nods.

'Isogai is Gay for Maehara I totally ship them' M/n tells Rio who was sitting beside him. Rio chuckles before whispering something in M/n's ear making him laugh.

'All right! Let's begin our lesson!'




Koro-sensei puts some water in the flask and the students gasp when the water turns red.

'It's bright red..'

'-And that concluded our experiment to extract artificial coloring..' Koro-sensei grabs everyone's snacks that are on the tables '-...from snack food. I'll be taking the leftover snacks now!'


'We bought those ourselves!'

'He used this as an excuse to swipe snacks' cause payday isn't until tomorrow' Rio tells M/n.

'Well, I-' M/n stops mid-sentence when Okuda stands up and walks towards Koro-sensei.

'Umm, sir...'

'Can I help you, Okuda?'

'Umm..' Okuda closes her eyes and holds out three lab flasks with a yellow liquid in them' 'This is poison! Please drink it!'

M/n and Rio look at each other in confusion. 'Now that's straightforward..' M/n mumbles.

'I guess.. that's too much to ask?' Okuda looks down.

'My, this is certainly an honest assassination attempt, Okuda'

'W-Well, umm...' Okuda looks up at her teacher 'I'm not good at surprise attacks and stuff like everyone else..But I am good at chemistry, so I made this with all my heart and soul!'

' one would be dumb enough to drink it just like that!' Sugino tells her.

'Well, then!' Koro-sensei takes one of the flasks from her. 'I would be delighted to!' Koro-sensei drinks the liquid and starts grunting. 'Th-This is..!'

'Is it working?!'

'Is this for real?!'

M/n raises an eyebrow when Koro-sensei turns blue and two horns grow on his head. Rio apparently finds this funny and starts to laugh quietly.

'Ah, yes. This tastes like sodium hydroxide. It's poisonous to humans but not to me I'm afraid'


'There are two others, correct?' he asks holding two more flasks.


'All right, then!' Koro-sensei drinks the other one and starts to grunt again. He turns green with wings appearing on his head.


'Ah, thallium acetate. Now for the last one!' He drinks the yellow liquid and his face turns blank, his eyes and mouth small.

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