Pandemonium Time

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M/n grabs hold of Karma's outstretched hand. His partner pulls him up and M/n sighs in relief. He was finally done, climbing a mountain is definitely not his favorite thing to do.

Karma starts to pull M/n with him to the side entrance of the building that Ritsu just had opened. Karasuma holds the door open for the students as all of them pass through as silently as they could be.

'Let's go-- we're running out of time' Karasuma whispers as he runs ahead of them. He leans against a wall while looking at the guards standing in the neat building.

M/n looks around in awe, this place looks like a Palace. It even had a huge piano. 'Damn, there are more guards than I thought' Karasuma whispers to himself.

'It'd be too difficult for us all to get past' Nagisa says the obvious. Perks of being the main character.

'What? Just...go on through' Bitch Sensei says with crossed arms. M/n blinks at his teacher unfazed.

'Do you have any grasp on the situation here, Professor Bitch?' 

'How are we supposed to make it past all those guards?'

A bunch of students whispers in disbelief. Their eyes widened when Bitch Sensei starts to walk ahead of them with a tiny but smug smile. She pushes her hair back before gracefully walking away from their hiding place behind the wall.

She bumps into a guard who instantly blushes. The blond starts to seduce them before sitting on the chair by the Piano.  The guards slowly approach her, all of them blushing.

Bitch Sensei gently places her hands on the keys as she starts to play a song. Her eyes closed as a gentle smile covered her face. Her hair fell perfectly over her shoulder, and she looked like a god making the men lose focus and instead pay attention to her and nothing else.

Everyone watched shocked at the gentle and soft melody coming from the piano. Quickly coming to their senses the class started to walk again taking the opportunity to sneak past them.

They stop by a staircase, almost all of them breathing out in relief. 'Let's go!' Nagisa says to which everyone replies with a nod. They start to go up the stairs the sounds of Bitch Sensei's play fading away.

'Now that we're past the stringent entrance checks, we should be able to pose as regular guests' Karasuma says and Everyone replies with nods or yesses.

They start to walk again following Ritsu's map she made for them. M/n glances at the bald man walking in the opposite direction from them with a nervous expression. One wrong move and they would all be dead.

They end up at the 3rd floor's Central hall. Which is a large room that leads to another corridor. Terasaka and one of his friends being the morons of the class start to run, big smiles on their faces.

'Hey!' Karasuma shouts panicked. His eyes land on a man with a floral patterned shirt standing at the beginning of the corridor.

The two seemed to be running straight into the man. Karasuma sensing the danger coming from the man runs up to the two grabbing their shoulder and pulling them aside as the man grabs some kind of spray. A purple gas comes out of the spray covering Karasuma but not the two boys who fell on the ground due to Karasuma's push.

Karasuma covers his nose as he jumps back landing neatly on his feet.

'Karasuma Sensei!' Kayano shouts surprised and concerned.

'How could you tell?' the man asks pulling the white cloth off his nose and mouth. 'I show no bloodlust, killing as I pass by' he says slightly confused

'Why does he talk so weird? Or is it just the subtitles?' M/n questioned.

'That happens to be my specialty, Miss Helmet-Head' The man says with a wide smile. Karma gently puts a hand on M/n's shoulder. 'He's the man who gave us drinks..' He states causing M/n to furrow his eyebrows.

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