The Truth Time

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M/n didn't come to school after the exams. Not even when the results were shown. Everyone in the E-class ended up above the rank 50 which was good and everyone was happy. However no one could deny the certain tension in the classroom. 

Karma ended up in first place but the boy didn't even bother to celebrate. The class gave him congratulations and his friends gave him looks of pity. No one knew what to believe. I mean the proof against M/n was huge, so, there was only one option to believe right?

Or so almost everyone in the class thought. Everyone but Rio. The girl knew just how smitten M/n was for the Akabane boy. She texted him, asking him about it. Not even a second later she received a call from a crying boy begging her to believe him, and so she did.

Whenever someone said something bad about him she would give them an icy-cold glare, or even give them her finger. She brought him his missed schoolwork, she brought him the results of the exams, she gave him comfort, she believed in him. 

She trusted him.

He owns her everything.

When Rio asked if he wanted her to talk to Karma the boy shook his head. Karma didn't trust him because he didn't want to. Why should he now?

Well on the brighter side, Asano talked to him a lot more now. M/n heard the boy rant about their dad for one whole hour straight. Apparently, his father slapped Asano so hard that he went flying to the side of his classroom. M/n cursed the man out when hearing it but Asano quickly comforted the male saying that his face was priceless when seeing the tests results.

Asano also talked with him about the rumors. M/n then told him what happened and let's just say he wasn't too happy with the Akabane boy's behaviour. Asano asked if M/n wanted to tell his class the truth but M/n just said he was too scared to do so. His father was a monster. There is no way to know what he would do.

Another great thing was his mother's reaction when receiving the results. For once she was happy and so M/n was happy. They went out to eat to celebrate and it was great. Well, great to a certain level. Of course, it was slightly awkward and the woman could clearly see something was wrong with her son. M/n was glad she didn't question it.

That brings us to today, it's been about five days or so and M/n still wasn't attending school. He was glad Koro Sensei didn't mind and even if he did, it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

M/n was sitting on a couch in the living room, watching SpongeBob SquarePants while waiting for his best friend to arrive. They agreed to meet today after Rio's classes.  The two have been more inseparable than ever.

Since the day Karma entered their class, they've grown apart too much so M/n is glad he's finally catching up with her. He quietly takes a sip of his (Favourite Drink) and sighs, slumping over the couch.

'What's taking her so long?'

It's been about an hour. Normally she's here right after four but today she's late by an hour. M/n puts the empty glass on the wooden living room table before sitting up and stretching out.

He let out a satisfied sigh and just when he was about to lay down on his bed his doorbell rang. His eyes light up and quickly runs to the door opening it. Rio didn't say anything only walks inside before dropping herself on the couch.

'How was school?' He asks when closing the door.

Rio took the TV remote that sat on the couch and flipped between the channels. 'At first, it was boring, but then the principal came...-'

M/n's eyes widened. 'What? What did he want? Did he say anything?' He asks a question after question. Of course the principal must know about the rumors by now. So him going to the E-Class campus could be related to that. Or not.

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