Karma Time

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'One!' The students say in unison. They were in P.E. class exercising.






'The sounds of exercise echoing across the field on a sunny Afternoon: how Peaceful'


'Nine, this is hell it's so fucking hot!' M/n complains to Rio.

'Tell me about it!'


'--if the students didn't have prey in their sights, that is' Koro-sensei says holding a flower.

'Wield your knives properly from all eight directions, now' Karasuma demands.

'From now on, I'm in charge of phys ed' Karasuma tells Koro-sensei.

'That makes me a little lonely'

'Didn't I tell you to make yourself scarce during this period?' Karasuma points behind him. 'Go play in the sandbox'

Koro-sensei does that. 'You're so mean Karasuma' He says crying 'Why, my students happen to like my gym classes'

'Liar. Koro-sensei's physical abilities are just too different' Sugaya says.


'He's just too far out' Rio sweat drops.

'I'd like a human teacher for Gym class, thanks' M/n says.

Koro-sensei turns to them before looking down sadly 'Boo hoo hoo..'

M/n covers his mouth trying not to laugh Rio doing the same.

'Okay, let's get back to work'

'But Mr. Karasuma, is there any point to all this training?' Maehara asks 'And should we be doing it right in front of our target?'

'It's the same in Assassination as in studying. Drill the basics and they'll serve you well.' Karasuma looks at Isogai. 'Isogai, Maehara, step forward'

They do what they're told. 'Try hitting me with those knives'

'Are you sure?' Isogai asks surprised.

'As a team?'

'Those knives won't hurt us humans'

'Uh..well, er...okay, then.' Isogai charges at Karasuma but Karasuma dodges his attack.

'Come on' He tells Maehara. Maehara strikes at him but he dodges it again. The two boys strike at his teacher numerous times but Karasuma doesn't get hit once.

'As you see, with a little knowledge, even I can handle the knives of two amateurs'

'He's hot and good at fighting....wait he reminds me of someone-' M/n blinks several times.

Karasuma throws both boys on the ground. 'if you can't hit me then your chance of hitting him is none' Karasuma helps them up. 'Once the whole class is capable of hitting me, your chance of success will increase by leaps and bounds'

'All right, that's all for today..'

'Thank you!' Everyone says.

'Finally!' M/n says throwing himself at Rio. She chuckles.

'We have a quiz next period right?' M/n asks as he and Rio walk up to Nagisa and Sugino.


'Wish we could've gone home after gym' M/n sighs.

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