Together Forever Time

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A gasp.

At first, Karma thought it was M/n. But, no, it wasn't. Because, well, M/n's gasp isn't that high pitched.

'What was that?' M/n mumbles while looking around confused.

'I don't know but answer my question.' Karma says still waiting impatiently for the boy to answer. M/n turns to look at him and was about to say something until someone let out a cough.

M/n squints his eyes at Karma, his mouth didn't move so it wasn't him. 'Okay... What was that?' He asks as he looks around yet again. There was no one here, so that means 'Do you think it's a ghost?!' M/n whispers to his ex boyfriend, wide eyed.

Karma chuckles. 'A ghost? Really?' he says with a smirk and M/n nods. Karma shrugs. 'I mean if a walking alien looking octopus exists then well... I guess so.' he says before taking M/n's hand. 'So we better get out of here.' M/n nods and grabs his bag from the ground.

While both of them walk to the door leading outside M/n was freaking out on the inside. He would be lying if he said that he didn't use those sounds (which were obviously from Rio) as an excuse to not answer it yet.

He just didn't know. I mean didn't that little fight just show them that they don't trust each other at all? Which means their relationship is still as fragile as before. M/n sighs frustrated he didn't even notice how they were already walking down the hill.

But then again he and Karma made up nicely. So it should mean that everything is fine. Right?

'God this is so frustrating! And out of nowhere too. I want to get back together, so why am I so hesitant?'

While M/n was freaking out from the inside Karma was staring at him from the corner of his eyes. The redhead sighs looking away from him. If it's taking him so long to answer, then, well, he's bound to get rejected.

'Listen, I um...' M/n mutters suddenly as he stops walking, and Karma glances at him without saying anything. M/n looks down, holding the straps on his bag tightly. '-about earlier and stuff...'

Karma hums telling him to go on, hiding how nervous he was behind that blank face of his.

'I don't... I think...' He just seemed to not be able to get his words out. His heart was about to come out of his chest, he just wanted to be with him again. M/n looks down with a small frown before stepping closer and closer to the redhead.

Karma stares at him confused and slightly nervous. 'Karma.' his ex boyfriend says blankly making him even more nervous. This is it. M/n doesn't say anything else and slowly wraps his arms around Karma's waist, hiding his face in his chest.

Karma drops his bag, still waiting for him to say something, anything that sounds like a rejection. Suddenly M/n's shoulders started to shake and his hold on him tightened giving Karma the idea that he was crying. 'Hey, M/n, you..-' 

'Pfff hahaha!' Karma stops mid-sentence when hearing the muffled laugh come out of his ex-boyfriend's mouth. M/n removes his head from the male's chest but still kept his arms around him. 'You're so tense Karma, relax a little.' he says with a teasing smile.

Karma stares at him dumbfounded. 'Are you teasing me?'

M/n averts his gaze with a playful smile. 'Nooo, of course not. I would never.' he says while snickering to himself.

Karma puts his hands on the boy's cheeks making M/n gaze to look at him. 'I have a bad influence on you.' he says squeezing his cheeks together making the other pucker his lips. M/n's irritated face makes Karma smile. 'So what do you say?' Karma asks rubbing his thumbs right under M/n's eyes. 'Skipping class without you is boring.'

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