LR Time

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Isogai shoots at Koro-sensei and misses. 'Aren't you in a good mood Koro-sensei? Got after school plans?' He asks and Koro-sensei nods. 'Yes, I'm going to Hawaii to see a movie. It's getting an American premiere-- I've really looked forward to it!'

'No way! That's cool!' Rio says and Koro-sensei chuckles 'Mach-20 speed was made for times like this!' Koro-sensei says before showing them a magasin. 'Sonic Ninja?' Isogai mumbles and Rio nods 'Oh yeah, that superhero flick..'

'Boringggg...' M/n says and Rio nods agreeing.




'I don't want too!!' M/n complains and Karma shakes his head pulling the boy outside, Nagisa not so far behind.

'Well, then, I guess I'll be off..' Koro-sensei says and is about to leave. But Nagisa shouts his name stopping him. 'Please..take us with you!' Nagisa says showing him the same magasin. Koro-sensei turns to them. 'Oh! You like the franchise, do you?'

'Uh-Huh! We've been waiting ages for the sequel.' Nagisa says smiling at his teacher. M/n scoffs 'Who's we ' Karma elbows him on his stomach before Koro-sensei turns to him. 'I didn't expect you to be into superhero movies, Karma. The same goes to you M/n'

'I like the director, and he rarely handles comic-book source material' Karma says to his teacher. 'I'd like to come, too, Nagisa!' Ritsu says. Nagisa sweatdrops removing his phone from his pockets. 'Ritsu...why are you in my phone...?'

'Look, just this one time!' Karma begs trying to convince M/n to come with them. 'We'll go to a different movie tomorrow' Karma says with a sweet smile that M/n couldn't say no to. 'I promise!' M/n sighs and nods 'Okayyy'

'All right: on the way to the movie, I'll give you all a taste of my speed!' Koro-sensei says before putting the three of them inside his shirt. M/n shifts uncomfortably since he was in the middle practically being squished by Karma and Nagisa.

'Hey, Karma? You know, I asked him on a whim..' Nagisa says, and Karma sweatdrops. 'But... what have we gotten ourselves into here?'

'Yeah, well... actually, we never considered the Safety of it all..' Karma says the last part coming out as a whisper. M/n quickly turns his head to look at him. 'What?!'

'Not to worry. I'll accelerate gently so no one gets hurt..' Koro-sensei exclaims before taking off.

'So speedy!' Nagisa says amazed.

'Fantastic! I can see the Pacific Ocean!' Karma says with a laugh.

'Huh? There's really not much sound and wind, is there, sir?' Nagisa says and Koro-sensei nods. 'My head is deflecting most of it! It's a secret in my skin. My head is normally soft, but it hardens up at high pressures. You have something quite like my skin in your everyday lives, too.'

--First let's take a look the-' Koro-sensei starts to give him a lesson about whatever he talked about mid fly. M/n groans frustrated, he is already done with all this.

'Aren't you going to assassinate him, Karma?' Ritsu asks and M/n sweatdrops 'I don't think he's dumb enough to do that...right Karma?' M/n says turning to the male with a glare.

'That's crazy talk, Ritsu' Karma says ignoring M/n 'We'd all plop into the ocean at Mach speed'

'Yeah, Koro-sensei has us right where he wants us. All we can do is listen quietly..' M/n tells the girl and not soon after Koro-sensei lands in America. Their teacher carefully puts the three down before putting his human disguise on.

'We made it--all the way to Hawaii during that lecture!' Nagisa says bewildered as he looks at the ocean.




Inside the Cinema M/n was looking through the food place while Koro-sensei bought the tickets. 'What do you want?' Karma asks his partner and M/n shrugs. 'Just popcorn and a drink... I guess' M/n says and removes his wallet out of his pocket. Before the male can pay Karma stops him. 'I'll pay..' Karma says and M/n stares blankly at him.  '-with Koro-sensei's money!' Karma continues with a smirk showing M/n Koro-sensei's wallet.





'It's so cold..' Karma complains as the octopus plus his students are already in the watching room. (Does it have a name??) M/n doesn't respond instead he keeps munching on his popcorn. It was indeed cold but nothing that M/n couldn't handle.

'The A/C is always on in Hawaii..' Koro-sensei explains before handing Karma and Nagisa a blanket. Karma stares at the bright pink blanket confused.

'Want the blanket?' He asks M/n and M/n turns to him.

'Hold this' M/n mumbles handing Karma the popcorn. The male unfolds the blanket before covering himself and Karma with it. 'Just come a little closer and then we both can fit under it'

Karma nods and does so. M/n takes the popcorn from Karma's hold before looking at the screen again. The film hasn't started yet but whatever.

'But this is America. They won't have Japanese subtitles..' Nagisa says a bit worried. However, Koro-sensei shakes his head. 'You'll be fine. You all have good English grades especially you M/n..'

M/n hums in response.

'And if you put my tentacle by your ear.. I'll explain any unfamiliar words that crop up..' Koro-sensei says putting a tentacle before each male. M/n pushes the tentacle away. 'By the way...has anyone seen my wallet?' Koro-sensei asks.




M/n stares blankly at the screen. The movie had already started but it was fucking boring. Right now the heroes were fighting a Demon. Apparently, the demon wasn't a demon.

The demon removes his mask and the Protagonist gasps saying that the male behind the mask is her brother.

M/n puts his head on Karma's shoulder. 'You own me...big time' he says with a yawn. Karma nods before resting his head on top of M/n's. 'I know'




'That was great! That cliffhanger really leaves you wanting more!' Nagisa says excitedly and Karma nods. At this time they already had returned and were standing in front of the campus.

Karma had M/n on his back since he was tired. Karma's hands on both of M/n's legs to prevent him from falling. 'But making the big boss be the heroine's brother? Pretty cliched.' Karma says bluntly and M/n nods slowly before resting his head on Karma's shoulder again.

'Oh, uh... Yeah..' Nagisa deadpans.

'I can predict the series end by analyzing a thousand Hollywood films! Shall I?' Ritsu asks and Nagisa sweatdrops 'No, thanks. You two are real party poopers.'

'Thanks for the day, Koro-sensei' Nagisa thanks his teacher and Karma bids him goodbye. 'Goodbye! Careful on these roads at night!' Koro-sensei says waiving at the three. Well, two since M/n was practically half asleep. 'And write a report on the movie in English by tomorrow!' he adds.

Nagisa groans 'Aw! You're giving us homework?'

'It's a small price to pay for the free trip to Hawaii...AND the stolen money from my wallet.' Koro-sensei says and Karma sweatdrops.

'Worth the food, the movie sucked'



Sorry for the long wait!

Thank you for reading.

If there are any spelling mistakes please say so!

Season 1 Episode 10

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