Let Live Time

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He looks at the building, the trees, and the campus. It didn't change at all. But of course, it's not like he expected it to have. Even if he was nervous, he couldn't hold back the smile forming on to his lips.

And then he starts walking and walking, until he steps into the old and torn building. The floor creaks with almost every step he takes. The old and dirty piece of wood hanging from the ceiling with the number three and the letter A.

Oh how much he missed it.

He could see all this again, thanks to the choice he made.



M/n takes a deep breath and stands up, Rio's eyes following his every move. She could already guess his answer from the way he was behaving. The boy opens his mouth before closing it again and biting down on his bottom lip. He looks at Rio, his eyes catching hers and then he nods.

He takes all his courage and nods.

Rio didn't say anything. 'I'm sorry.' M/n says quickly and slightly desperate. He puts his hand on his head while pacing in front of the TV. 'I didn't mean to hide it, I swear! But I had to, otherwise, my dad would get furious. And- And he would hurt my brother which I also don't want. And I shouldn't be even saying this to you but I am and you're not saying anything.'

M/n waited and waited. Until. 'You should contact the school gossip account...' Rio says which made M/n jump a bit, confused.

'What? What are you talking about?'

Rio stands up with a big smile and she puts her hands on his shoulders. 'You should do it, so that the rumors will be addressed and then you can come to our school again!' she says excitedly which made the male grimace.

He stares at her in disbelief. 'Didn't you hear what I said?! This could cause problems to my brother. And I get it. You don't care about him but I do. I do.' he points at himself with a tiny glare.

Rio furrows her eyebrows before beaming again. 'Then just tell our classmates, okay? They won't tell anyone and you know it.'  she pulls him into a tight hug. M/n didn't move. 'I'll tell them, so please please please come to school again...'

M/n shakes his head and lets out a shaky breath. 'Risky, too risky'

'Let me do it, M/n. Please!' she begs.




It seems like he can't say no. Because there he is, in front of the classroom door. Standing like a lost puppy, his hand reached out to open the door. He pauses. 'Rio already told everyone. It's fine it's fine...'  As he was about to pull the slide door, a hand stops him and M/n didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

M/n kept his hand on the door trying to pull it anyway while ignoring the person behind him completely. But he wouldn't let go. M/n huffs 'I'm trying to open the fucking door!' he says annoyed and irritated. Annoyed with him and with himself for letting his own heart beat so fast on the thought of turning around and seeing his face again.

And yet he was slightly excited but we don't talk about that.

He could feel him smirk. 'Is it true?' M/n felt his cheeks burn at the voice. He drops his hands from the door in defeat and turns around, finally facing him. And he looked so good with his stupid smirk.

But he won't give in so easily. 'What? About me being family with Asano?' he asks, smiling sarcastically as he crosses his arms. M/n wanted to give him a very sarcastic response but as soon as his eyes meet his, he melts. Oh how he missed him, his stupid face, stupid smirk, stupid eyes, stupid personality. He is stupid. And so he looks down and whispers a quiet yes.

Karma stays quiet for a minute. And so did M/n. His heart was beating so fast, it sucked. 'If that's the case then you should like...get together with me again.' he says with a tiny shrug.

M/n raises his head looking at him in disbelief. 'What?'

'Go out with me again.'

The other male had to hold back a laugh, instead, he scoffs. 'Are you kidding me? Why would I? Karma you humiliated me.' he states angrily. The other opens his mouth but M/n beats him to it. 'No, listen, I begged you not to go. I begged you to believe me. I cried because of you in front of a lot of people and you still left. Do you have any idea how that felt?!'

Karma narrows his eyes at the shorter. 'Well, what did you expect me to do? Sit still while everyone thought I was being cheated on?' he asks sarcastically and M/n glares at him. 'I don't know if you noticed but I reached out to you again and then, well, your brother appeared. Everyone looked at me with pity which if you ask me is also humiliating.'

M/n falters a bit, his face softening. 'I expected you to trust me, that's what I expected you to do...' he mutters, his glare now aimed at the ground.

'But you see where I'm coming from right?' Karma puts a hand on his shoulder however M/n simply backs away. So the redhead instead crosses his arms. 'Wouldn't you think the same thing? If you were in my shoes?'

'Of course, I would, however unlike you, I would've taken your word. I would've listened.' M/n frowns when his eyes meet Karma's. 'But I guess I see your point. I can't be mad at you any longer.'

Karma gives him a smile which he weakly returns. 'But I won't go back to you...' Just like that Karma's smile falters and M/n smiles sadly. 'Not yet at least.'

Karma shakes his head. 'Why?'

He didn't answer. M/n steps closer to the boy, he just couldn't help himself. He wraps his arms around his waist, hugging him tightly, almost desperately. 'I missed you so so much.'

Karma hums but didn't say anything else. 'Give me some time. Give us some time to heal and we'll be stronger than ever.' M/n pulls back just to hold the male's face between his hands gently. 'Try not to die without me.'

Karma's semi-frown morphs into a mischievous smirk. 'I do like a challenge.'

'Oh, I know.' M/n chuckles moving away from the red head's hold. 'You know this is a challenge for me also because you're just-.' 

'Hot, amazing, incredible, awesome?' Karma interrupts him with a wide and teasing smile.

The other turns to the classroom door and chuckles. 'Yeah, I guess.'

M/n opens the door and much to his surprise a crowd of people and one octopus fall to his feet. He backs away, now standing next to an amused Karma. Rio who was among the pile of students smiles and stands up like nothing happened.

'M/n! I'm glad you're here! Come in!' She takes the shocked male's arm, pulling him into the classroom.

'Wait a minute...why were you...' he looks at her and then at his classmates just in time to see Koro Sensei whooshing his way.

'Welcome back, M/n.' He says making the other smile. Koro Sensei pats his head while his classmates stand up. 'You have a lot to catch up.'

Rio and M/n glance at each other and Rio chuckles to herself. 'I don't think that's necessary,Koro Sensei.' the male says linking his arms with the blonde's.

Nagisa was the next one to greet him. 'Welcome back! I missed you.' he says with a gentle smile.

M/n soon enough got annoyed with the amount of greetings and apologies.


You guys definitely made the right choice, right? I guess we'll see. Mwahahahahahaha.

Also sorry for the wait I've been VERY busy.

Thank you for reading!

If there are any spelling mistakes please say so!

Season 2 Episode 13


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