Playing with their hair! (D, H, I, E)

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- Has the softest hair  e v e r, and you can't change my mind about it.
- Just imagine, Diluc had a bad day because of a certain blue-head
- And his amazing partner, also known as you, plays with his hair to calm him down
- He will melt in your arms
- Closing his eyes as your hands do wonders in his hair
- He will hint it with getting his hair out of the ponytail
- Looking at you more often
- And when you massage his scalp?
- Grunts and a little smile
- His new favourite relax method
- Of course, he won't hesitate to do the same when you are stressed

- Very soft hair :D
- Imagine braiding his darker part of hair
- That would be so cute <33
- And let me tell you, if you did, he wouldnt un-braid it
- It could look HORRIBLE but he still wouldn't
- (Don't make it look horrible on purpose.)
- He looks very adorable when his head is resting in your lap and his eyes are closed
- He is ascending to celestia when you massage his scalp
- Totally a sucker for your touch
- Talks about anything and everything during those times
- Sometimes hums  a low tune
- Just like Diluc, won't hesitate to do the same when you ask him to

- Ohohoho you bet he asked you that AT LEAST 7 times
- When you said yes,, well maybe you said yes when he asked for the first time
- But! When you said yes, he was bursting with joy!
- His hair is so silky and nice :D
- He does take very good care of it!!
- May start taking even better care of it when you point it out
- Will lean into your touch 
- Talks the entire way through it
- It's worth it though
- His laugh is absolutley amazing to match with it
- Comb with your fingers through his hair please
- Also, he's great at scalp massages

- Omg she has such long hair
- It's so SOFT and SILKY
- How does she keep it that way I need to know
- It's also fluffy
- Will let you braid her hair
- Brush it too
- You can do whatever you want with her hair
- She will adore anything
- Just don't shave her head....
- And don't cut her hair either.
- Adores you quietly when you play with her hair
- Chuckles when you make yourself a moustache out of it
- Will play with yours in return <3 

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