Fishy business

705 23 7

I have used my skils of making bad jokes.
- Y/n.

The voice ringed through the empty library. The sun was on the horizon, dimly lighting up the room you were in. The specks of dust eluminated bu the rays of the fading sun, giving the room a nice and comfortable feeling. 
As you turn around you can see Cyno standing in the doorframe, his silhouette lighten up by the warm orange and pink colors. He seemed.. calm. 

- ... Y/n?

Your name fell from his lips again, only then did you notice that you didn't respond and were only staring at him. He seemed to catch that and chuckled quietly. 
His voice was... enchanting.

- Anything I can help you with Cyno?

You finally answered the call of your name. He seemed hesitant for a moment, but spoke a little later. During the time of silence it was just you two staring at each other, not exchanging words and only basking in each other's presence.

- What did the fish say when he swam into the wall?

Your face instantly fell. Did he seriously came all the way here just to tell a joke? He cracked a smile and started to chuckle under his breath. His eyes met your's and he opened his lips to speak 

- Dam.

The silence fell over the both of you, ocassionaly interrupted by Cyno's chuckles. You sigh, but chuckle nontheless. He's so silly... not that you mind, it's rather endearing actually. Both of you were just there, existing.
It was calm and relaxing. All of the previous tension slowly fading away the more time Cyno spends with you.
He really was your safe home. A place where you could go to whenever everything was just too much. 

Short cause my writing is crusty 'n rusty

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