The definition of perfection || Albedo

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Tempted to write horror more then ever (yep I'm alive)
ALSO I GREW!!! (like 3cm but shhhh)

Albedo is a very wise man, he always has been.

It's no wonder so many people look up to him- as a teacher, a mentor, an ideal to follow- perhaps even a goal to achive.. to be as smart as him.

Many people see him as nothing but perfection, yet the Chalk Prince seems to have a different view on that..


He was currently in his lab in Dragonspine, doing whatever you could do in this freezing wheather. 

The clincking of chemical equipment filled the silence that enveloped Albedo's cave.. or rather, his place of staying.

The alchemist was very much invested into the thing he was doing, but the soft crunching of snow underneath someone's shoes outside his lab was enough to break his focus.

He turned his head towards the enterance only to find you bravely standing there, albeit shaking a little from the cold.

The smile you wore on your face made his heart jump up to his throat. You were truly stunnning in every shape and form (implying that he would love you even if you were a worm) in his eyes. There was nothing far more perfect then you were.

Your eyes that light up whenever you see something you love, the smile you always give him, your soft and tender hands, your soft hair and oh.. your personality and soft touches. 

If he had to point out the thing he loves most about you, it would be quite the challenge,, with that I mean- he loves everything about you equally.

He would go on and on about how much he loves you if he could.

"Good morning, Y/n"

The greeting slips past his lips in a soft and gentle voice, filled to the brim with love.

"Mornin' Bedo!"

Ah.. that sweet nickname of your's. It was smiple, but sometimes the most simple things mean the most.

"What brings you here, my love?"

He inquiries, tilting his head a little as he does so.


You start with hesitation. What were you here for?

"It's just been a while since we last seen each other, has it not?

The Alchemist can merely chuckle at that excuse.

"it's been barley a day, love"

You stay silent for a moment, silence falling between both of you before you speak up

"Yeah, a day too long."

You say, defending what's left of your pride.

Albedo looks at you with knowing eyes. He didn't mind at all, but seeing your flustered face made him very happy, delighted even.

"If you say so.. feel free to stay as long as you want to"

Was the only reply you got as he went back to doing what you disturbed.

You sat yourself on one of the tables in his tiny lab, looking around. Not much had changed. Still the same old flasks, with the same names. A little bit of new ones too. Some new tissues laying around and a few new materials from monsters.

You sigh and close your eyes. The silence between you was comforting, the only thing breaking it were ocassional birds and clincking flasks.

"So, how have you been?"

A response comes on your lips almost automatically

"I've been fi-"

But before you can finish, Albedo cuts you off (rude)

"You always say that, but then comes the string of unfortunate events you've been through. So let me ask again, how have you been?"

This time you ponder a little, well you've been feeling really insecure lately.. oh yeah, the traveler also dropped by with Paimon for a get-back-together. You two are best friends, afterall.

"Well.. I've been.."

You hesitate before you continue, making Albedo turn towards you with a raised eyebrow

"A tad bit insecure lately" mean insecure a lot? Don't worry, Albedo can see right through you anyways. He reads you like an open book. It's scary at times.

"Oh, but what is there to be insecure about, love?"

You instantly regret telling him that, you should have just kept it to yourself, huh?

"You know.. my thighs,, stomach,,"

You gesture towards those parts as you say, avoiding eye contact.

It's silent for a moment, but you don't dare to look towards Albedo. It's not like your afraid, rather, your embarassed.

"Love.. look at me"

Your beloved says, as he comes closer to the table you sitting on, placing his hands next to your thighs, trapping you there.

Having no choice left, you look into his eyes, they were filled with love and pure adoration.

"There is no such thing as a "perfect body", everyone's body structure is uniqe and there is not much you can do about it. So in this case comparing your body type to somebody's elses is completely useless. Perhaps they have a slimmer hip bone? Wider rib cage? They can't do anything about it either. So there is no reason to beat yourself up over it, sweetheart."

He said, kissing your forehead before continuing

"And no matter how much prettier you think someone looks then you, you will always be the prettiest person in my eyes. In fact, your my definition of perfection. Your absolutely devine in my eyes."

He finished up, taking in your expression before pecking your lips.

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