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Writing this as my spotify playlist is on shuffle. Oh Boy, what a ride.
Reader doesnt have specified body type, pronous, or anything.. as always.
You were walking around Liyue Harbor, looking at every food vendor and whatnot while doing so. One shop caught your eye though.. it was a shop full of (favourite thing(s))!
You quickly made your way to the shop, looking at each single thing. You picked the one that looked the best (or whatever) and went on your merry way, now with a smile plastered on your face.

You passed by many people who seemed in a world of their own, which was.. quite unusual for people here.. I mean! They are usually so hardworking and staright on buissines.
Perhaps there was an event happening...? Um.. no, you had no recollection of any events taking place.

Your began to think about it further. But nothing came up. Maybe it was the weather? Perhaps.. the air was just under low preassure? You came up with any excuse you could. But it was still worrying that the hard working people in Liyue (unlike it's Archon) were spacing off.

Yet you smiply dissmissed the thought, continuing your walk through the Harbor. Every now and then stopping by a stall. Little did you know, a certain anemo user was watching you. No,, he was making sure your free time was going smoothly, that's all.

But little did HE know, that you KNEW he was watching you... a real twist, huh? 
okay okay, I will promise I wont make it crack anymore. (dont trust me)

You sighed to yourself, the sun was setting, your hands were occupied with the goods you bought and your eyes were busy watching the beautiful sunset.

The sun was slowly sinking into the horizon, lighting up the water with it's orange colors. The sky was also painted with multiple colors. The breathtaking scenery was also made with different shades and colors of clouds. They themselves showing colors you didnt even knew existed.

All of your gazing was suddenly interrupted by a certain yaksha. He was standing right next to you, his eyes glued to you instead of the scenery.

"What are you doing here"

It wasnt even a question at this point.

"It's 9 in th afternoon"

oh.. 9 already..? 

Your face became blank for a moment before nodding. You didnt know what to respond. Is that really important? I mean Harbor is a safe place.. mostly.. so there is no hurt in doing so, right? Xiao seemed to spot your confusion as he squinted his eyes before taking a deep sigh. 

"Today is White day."

You stare at him. Okay.. that explains why everyone had their head in the clouds, but why is he asking why are you out at this hour? Does he want to..- Oh. He wanted to spend the day with you?

You smiled. Which was really creepy since you didnt say anything back. But then quickly said :

"Did you want to spend the day with me, Xiao?"

You were met with silence. You took that as a yes. You cooed at him, making him turn his head away from you and cross his arms. Seems like you've struck a jackpot. He meant exactly that, huh?

You giggled slightly, making him huff.

"Don't laugh at me"

"Oh but I am not laughing at you, Xiao! Your just so cute, is all!"

"I'm not cute."

"Yes. Yes you are."

There was comfortable silence after that. Both of you standing close to each other. His hand suddenly brushed against your's and in the moment of your surpirse he took the bags from your hand, turning on his heel and walking towards the Inn.

You gasped and quickly went after Xiao, clinging onto his free arm for no reason at all. What was strange is that he didnt brush you off like usual. Instead, he slowed downed his steps to make sure you'll catch up. (tall reader rn)


It was quiet walk.

"... You do realize we are going all the way from the Harbor to the Inn..?"


This is so bad. *Cries*

Genshin Impact headcannons/scenarios - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now