South Scrimshaw

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People be like : omg your such a chill person!!
No, dawg. My personality is exactly like Emu Otori's.
I'm not joking. We are the exact same.


I just came here to tell you about this one game that I REALLY LOVE HHAJAFJFJFSA

The name of this game is "South Scrimshaw"- you might have watched it on ManlyBadassHero's channel (I love that guy) 

Like it got me so fasicnated!!! 
And the graphics are so nice too, the story itself being so interesting.. I'M JUST IN-LOVE WITH IT

But like- I'm obssesed with any games that involve water creatures- I'm like. 

THE BIGGEST FAN OF WATER GAMES... Because I myself have been interested in the water life for 6 years now!

It always fascinated me so much.. Like, the habitat of the creatures, the creatures themselves (sea bunnies. omg. AND JELLYFISHES) EVERYTHING IS JST SO COOL OGHWOJGWJO

If you like water creatures, best bet we are gonna be besties <333

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