Flowers for you! (Xiao, Cyno, Albedo, Alhaitham)

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In which they bring you flowers!
Writing this while holding back a cough that has been choking me for hours now.


-> Xiao doesn't actually bring you the flower but rather the petal of the flower. 
So you can use it in your everyday clothing, be it by clipping it to your hair with a hairpin!
Or if you aren't really into that, you can always keep it as a book mark! Smush it between two pages and boom! You have it!
Whenever he sees it on your person, or in the book, he always bites back a smile.
It warms his heart knowing that you are willing to carry it around with you.
AND that you actually kept it!
He brings you flower petals like, maybe twice a week?
Whenever he sees a flower that you might like basically!
(Which, depending if you like flowers or not, might be different!)

-> Sometimes, when Cyno goes out on his missions, he picks a flower just for you, just because it reminded him of you.
Of course, whenever he gives them to you, he always tells you that
"Here, I got you a flower. Although it's beauty doesn't compare to you"
Sweet, isn't it?
And if you try to keep the flower alive, you will be met by Cyno's soft chuckle and his arms wrapped around you.
It warms his heart, knowing that you want to keep his gift for as long as possible.
He might even start giving them to you more often!
Just.. don't tease him about it, alright?

-> Albedo is built different.
Literally.. but also in this aspect
Instead of giving you a normal flower, the one growing on the beautiful cliffs
He made you one instead!
It took him a lot of time and tries to get it! So please treat it with care <3
He has this soft smile on his face when he gives it to you
It's a fragile and delicate flower, with pretty beige petals
Meanwhile saying :
"It's fragile and delicate like you, yet it is also strong, it survives many weathers and circumstances"
Sweet. Very sweet <33

-> Now... hear me out..
Imagine walking around the Port, and then suddenly your boyfriend comes up
His eyes staring into yours as he gives you the bouqet of flowers
And his little smile at your surprised face
It's tied up with a ribbon that barley holds all the flowers in there
While you are confused, Alhaitham takes his leave
Will be very amused when he sees them in a vase in your house later on
Little did you know that every flower in that boquet was made while he was thinking of you <3

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