Least favourite.. || Xiao

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Anyways baes, back to the requests, ya?? I will have much more free time so I'll try to update more, kept you guys waiting lone enough <3
This is fluff :3

You sat alone in silence, your friends long gone, not even noticing your disappearance. 
You sigh and stare at the drink in your hand, swirling it slightly with a smooth circle hand motion. You should have stayed home today, huh? Too bad the social side of you decided to make plans. 
It's not like the person who were involved in the plan are here, so it wouldn't hurt to go home, right? 
You finish up your drink and place it on the table. You get up from your seat and make your way towards the exit, saying a 'goodbye' to the nice barista on your way out.

The air hit you with it's cold and humid hand, it was rather unpleasant. 
You cuddled up to the scarf on your neck, blocking off some of the icy bites of the wind. You squint your eyes to see a little better and start walking towards your house. You just hoped nothing else will go wrong, it was already a tiring day. 
The streets were almost empty, except for the few people who were rushing to get indoors as soon as possible... and the delivery pals & gals. You yourself started walking faster, wanting to be in the comfort of your own home more then ever.

You were met with a familiar patch of dark green hair with tealish undertones at the roots, swept back with two neck length locks. More of a wonder was what he was doing here.. as you stood there, frozen, you scanned him, making sure you were not seeing stuff.

- .... alright? - Xiao's voice suddenly disturbed your train of thoughts.. although you only heard the last word.

- ..huh?? Could you repeat that please?? - you responded dazed

Xiao started at you for a few moments before speaking up again.

- ... I think I have my answer. What happened? - His voice was stern, but there was warmth behind those golden eyes of his.

You stood there, not really knowing if you should respond. Your mouth opened before closing again. Your eyes were looking everywhere but at Xiao. He did notice that... who wouldnt?
He sighed and crossed his arms. He will get the answer out of you.
There was silence between you before you finally spoke up

- My friends ditched me, I guess? - you say, looking at Xiao's face

His facial expression went cold but then softened and he uncrossed his arms.

- Well, if you'd like.. we could.. spend the rest of the day together? - he suggested, looking away slightly, red dusting his pale cheeks

- Sure! I would love that, Xiao - you reply, smiling at him warmly

Dw pooks, there will be part 2 to this <3

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