School mornings || Wanderer

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Hey babes <3
I'm back! And yes, I'm better now! Thank you so much for all the care and sweet words. I love you guys so much <3
You woke up to your alarm ringing through your ears. You groaned, rolling out of bed to turn it off.
You stared at your bed from where you stood, wondering if you should go back to sleep.
You took a deep inhale instead, shaking your head and making your way towards the bathroom to get your daily routine started. 
Who needs breakfast anyways? You just need school lunch (or not).
Then, as you finished, you got to your closet to dress into your school uniform. Making sure you look good (you do) before you go out, you took your bag and went to school. 
You couldn't say you were well-rested. That will probably change, with Wanderer screaming into your ear all day long... yeah that should do.
I mean, who won't be awake when someone as loud as that mommy issues puppet boy screams at the top of his lungs for God knows what!

Taking your school bag and getting your shoes on you started your way to school. You usually meet up with the grumpy boy at the school gates, so that's where you should stop to wait for him.
Actually, he was the first one to show up, but that's besides the point.
You looked down at your feet as you walked, thinking if you forgot anything from home, yet before you could look up again you heard a voice call out your name.


Wait a moment,, you know that voice!
You look behind you and see the popular bowl-cut male running at you. What the hell. What was he doing here?? Shouldn't he be at school????

He seemed to notice your confused gaze as he caught up to you.

"I want to walk you to school from now on. It's not a proporsal."

You stare at him before speaking

"How do you know where I live"

After that sentence there is a silence between you two. You raise your eyebrow as he stared at you with a blank face.

"That doesnt matt-"

"Yes it does???"

"Whatever, let's just go! We don't wanna be late because of you loser"

You huff as you start walking again. Wanderer is so strange sometimes. Just as you think you know everything about him he suddenly comes up with more secrets about himself.

It was a quiet walk, none of you really needed to talk anyways. It was comfortable not to speak sometimes, well.. it's nice to not have Wanderer screaming into your ear. Then the silence was broken

"Did you do the math homework?"

Your eyes widen

"What math homework...."

You could already see his eye roll, but he spoke a few moments later with a softer tone

"You can copy mine, I don't mind"

"Woah! Is the Wanderer himself going soft for me?!"


"OKAY! Geez, no need to yell into my ear!.. Thanks, by the way."

After that he mubled a small "no problem" under his breath and looked away.
You on the other hand giggled, it was fun messing with him. You quite never know what reaction you'll get!

The rest of your walk to school was filled with laughs and chatter.

I don't like how this turned out but oh well???
It's not like I will be super duper amazing after literally writing once a year 💀💀

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