Forget me (not) || Kaveh

599 10 15

Heavy angst 
This work contains : Suicide, depression, description of a corpse.

The calendar infront of Kaveh was taunting his every second of being. 

The blonde only sighed and hung his head, making himself look at the crumpled papers scattered all over his desk- only reminding him that he still has projects to do instead of wallowing in self-pity.

It was pathetic, really- wasting so much time yet not getting any work done. 

Kaveh glances at his pencil- it was sharpened to the point where the pencil was half of the original size.

He sighs once again and decides that if he wants to try once more he should clean up his desk.. and that's exactly what he did- picking up every single crumbled pencial that was on his desk (or not, due to them falling of with his frustrated movments).

Yet... one of the papers caught his eye. There was clearly ink peaking out of the corner- he didn't remember using an ink pen.

The blonde carfully opened the paper ball as to not demage it, his eyes scanned over the sketch.


His lips twitched in a pathetic attempt of a smile- it was a sketch of you. He was supposed to give it to you as a gift a few months ago..

It was a beautiful portrait, your dazzling smile that shines brighter then the sun forever stuck on this piece of paper. Your face was truly a sight for sore eyes- ah.. how your lips curved into the most breath-taking soft smiles that you sent him whenever you saw him, your nose that scrunched up when you laughed at anything you found funny or silly, how your eyes always seemed to see through him, how your eyelashes fluttered with every blink you took- how your cheeks always got warmer whenever he would shower you with his love-

Oh.. he could go on forever.

The thing that snapped him out of his thoughts was the silent tap of a water drop falling on paper. It was his tear- he didnt even know when he started crying again.

He cleared his throat and gently folded the paper, hiding it in his desk drawer before sitting down on his chair once again.

You slowly made your way to his heart and.. now he couldnt get you out. No matter what he tried- he wasn't the same anymore. He didn't even have the energy to bicker with Alhaitham anymore, which really did surprise his roomate, as he always gave him a bitter bite back.

He looked up at the calendar once again. It's been 5 months.

5 months since.. you comitted suicide.

He remembers that day vividly. Too vividly for his liking.

The way your lifeless body hung from the ceiling, slowly swaying from the hard gushes of wind passing by through your room. Your bloody hands being the only evidence you changed your during the act- but it was far too late. Your beautiful and energetic face was now nothing but pale and emotionless. 

Just the image flashing through his mind made him feel sick. 

Yet he decided not too long ago that..

You wouldnt have to worry,

He would join you very soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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