POV : They love you.

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I ain't no longer broken like the McDonald's ice cream machine
Pov : They love you.

He loves you...
by making sure you are always safe. Wherever you might go, he will make sure you are prepared for your journey. Of course, reminding you that you can call his name whenever and he will always be there. 
by always making time for you. He wants to spend as much time with you as possible. You don't even have to bribe him with almond tofu anymore. Sometimes he might just appear like your dad when you win the lottery and just watch you do your thing until you notice him. Then he will say he just got there.
by  always being there for you. Whatever happends, he makes sure you know that he carse really deeply for you. And that no matter what it will always stay that way. Of course, his comfort comes in many ways- be it physicla touch, quality time, gift giving, acts of service.. anything your comfortable with.

He loves you...
by being less mean to you. Of course he is still kind of mean, but not as much as to others. Sure, he has a sharp tounge and will not be afraid to say his opinion about things. But it's you we are talking about so he will be a tiny bitsy nicer. Just don't mention it or otherwise he will be back to his normal self.
by somehow showing he cares. It's not that he does it outright, but he shows subtle ways of it. Like placing a hand on your lower back when walking in crowds as to not lose you or simply asking how was your day.
by cooking for you (sometimes). It really depends on his mood. If he's feeling extra nice (happens a lot but only with you) he will cook you his signature dish. He might as well cook your favourite and let m tell you, once you tell him what's your favourite dish he will master it to perfection just so he can see your smile (..or not).

QIQI (Platonic ofc <3)
She loves you...
by writing in her notebook about you, so she doesnt forget. She even marked the page where you are described with the flower you gave her 2 weeks ago. She makes sure it never withers, because it is a gift from you- someone she really likes.
by bringing you stuff she thinks you might like. Be it that one pretty flower she brought you once. She gave you the flower with a little smile saying that she found it while searching for something Baizhu told her to find and thought that you might take a liking to it. 
by listening to you speak about whatever. She will always listen, may give you her opinion about it if you ask her. She can listen to you non-stop. Maybe she will even write down some things you said as to not forget. Be it something you like or dislike. 
by spending time with you. You dont have to talk at all to keep her around. She will just follow you around- grab your hand at times. Just walk around the town with her like that for a while would you? She enjoys being in your presence. 

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