Xiao & Scaramouche headcannons

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Writing this at school cause I dont have time so it might be rushed 🤠
Like every other scenario ever since school started

I see Xiao as an overprotective yet soft lover, always worried for your safety and mostly stalking you.
But he swears he only wants to make sure your safe and sound.
But may Lord have mercy on you when your injured-
He's practically all over you!
Xiao wont let you lift a finger during those times, you cant even drink by yourself.
Even though the injury might be on your leg, your still not allowed to drink by yourself.
It sure is weird but what can you do about it, I'm sure most of you would enjoy it anyways.
But I cannot blame him for being overprotective, I mean he lost many people before and he doesnt wanna lose you either.

Scaramouche is also overprotective but.. he isnt so open about it like Xiao.
He shows it in subtle ways or not so subtle ways.
But unlike Xiao, he wont even let you leave his side.
So that way you wont get hurt.
But if you do manage do get hurt somehow.. well he is also all over you.
Getting everything prepared to patch you up.
He will make sure you dont get hurt after, though.
Whenever you go out, he goes with you and keeps you within arm length.
His words are not the best though.
They are still sharp, but that's expected.
He still doesnt trust humanity. And he doesnt trust you completely yet.
But after all the betrayals that's to be expected.

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