Them as siblings (A&K,K&D,A&A)

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Back to life (not for long)
Also you are like- very young here.

- Considering this man, in fact, has a sibling, he knows how to act!
- Even though you are a tiny bit older then Klee
- You even have the little star on your throat
- I know that isnt a star, dont come after me.
- Maybe.. maybe the thought of being all alone was simply too cruel so you were made?
- I dont make the calls here alright
- Well technically I do, but breaking the 4th wall will be left for another fic
- Albedo absolutely adores you.. and Klee of course!!
- Meanwhile Klee is the most fun person to hang around with!!
- Best sister award ever!
- Teaches you how to make her bombs
- Albedo begs you not to use them
- Everyone loves your relationship dynamics

- Oh. Heavens. Above.
- Bickering 24/7 but never ever drag you into it
- Overprotective squad
- Doesnt matter if your stronger then both of them combined
- They WILL protect you
- Spoiled by Diluc and teased by Kaeya
- That nearly rhymed damn
- Anyways
- Diluc will never serve you an alcoholic drink with Kaeya around
- Well, he wont serve you an alcoholic drink even without Kaeya around
- So Kaeya sneaked you some one time (when u were older)
- Got an ass beating but didnt regret it
- Perfect brothers if you ask me

- Most priced possession yessir!!!
- Both can and will protect you with their life
- Sometimes its Ayaka taking care of you sometimes Ayato
- Mostly Ayaka though
- Her soft-spoken nature is the reason why sleep most of the time
- Strokes her hands through you hair
- Ayato will lend you his boba
- Best privilege ever.
- Will also hold your favourite drink in his sleeves
- Meanwhile Ayaka helps you with sword art and choosing fans
- It could be the most hideous fan EVER but she would still say it looks beautiful, because you make everything beautiful.

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