Lotus fits you best

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Hey, you might think this is one of the requests?
It's a horror story I've written beased on a game on my own experience. (Mostly the second one)
TW : Suicide, sexual harassment, sexual assault, loss of a very dear person, corpse, rather detailed description of the corpse.
Important info.  lotus flower is often associated with domestic violence and sexual assault

You sat at your desk at school. The clock read 8 in the morning.. it was way too early for this. Your classmates were up to their normal shenanigans, doing whatever they pleased as the teacher wasnt in the class.

You stared at the empty seat next to you. Your best friend sat there... at least used to. The simple thought of them brought you to tears. How did they die? Who knows. It was all a big mystery, as police refused to share any information. All that's known is that the crime scene was.. gruesome.

You closed your eyes, feeling a huge pang of exhaustion hit you. You folded your arms on the desk and placed your head on them. Slowly starting to drift away.. 


You woke up to an empty classroom. It was dark outside.. is this a joke..? Surely someone would have woken you up, right? Rubbing your eyes you got up from your seat. The place was quiet... too quiet, even for an empty school.. if it's empty.

You looked around the classroom, nothing really changed. You started walking towards the door that leads to the hallway.

Whatever happened, you need to get out of here. You don't want to be in this empty school. Who knows what the janitors do afterhours? Well, you certainly didnt want to find out.

You were now in the hallway, making your way towards the staris at the end of the hall. 
.. but wait a minute..? Why are those desks blocking the way..? Well there was a door right next to them.. guess there is nowhere else to go, huh?

Opening the door you saw a.. corpse... A CORPSE. 

You instantly took a few steps back, now noticing the petals that lead to it. The corpse's front skin was ripped off, organs hanging out of it, blood was pooling under it. It made you feel sick to the stomach.. well nothing to lose, right?

You thought that as you took causious steps towards it. The face was beyond recognition. You probably didnt want to know anyway. 

The petals around the corpse multiplied, surrounding it. 

Yet someting else also appeared.. multiple desks sat around the classroom, some were flipped over.

You decided to just book it right then and there. Turning on your heel you saw another door leading to the second part of the hallway. You went right thru that door, leaving the murder scene behind.

As you went downstairs it seemed to get somehow darker and darker... You squinted your eyes, which somehow helped your eyes to adjust to the darkness. 

You walked down the dark hallway, feeling uncomfortable. One od the classrooms had their light on, so you went inside there, hoping to make the discomfort go away.

Yet the inside of the classroom didnt make you feel at peace at all. Instead, it did exactly the opposite. Right in front of your eyes was a person hanging- it was you.

You were the person that was hanging. You stared at.. yourself. You stay still for a moment, absolutley shocked.

Deciding that it's no use to think about any of this, you went outside of the classroom, going for the left turn of the hallway instead. 

The view outside of the hallway was full of beautiful lotus flowers. It was breathtaking. A nice break for the mind and eyes after witnessing the horrors of before. 

You made it to the end of the hallway, going insde.. another hallway.

It was long, just like the others, but this seemed different.. the classrooms had windows. Right through one of them you saw a tall black silhouette with what seemed like a white blank mask.

You quickly ducked behind the non-glassed part of the wall. 

..what was that..?

You didnt dare to get up, crouching all the way to the next classroom instead. You got up in the second classroom and as you took a few steps the floor under you broke. 

You went falling down, you ended up in the toilet, one door slamming itself shut as you hit the floor.

Yet you didnt feel any pain from the impact,, so you simply got up. There was nothing else to do. You went outside of the toilet quickly, noticing a ghostly figure at the end of the hall.. it was... your best friend..?

They were crying quietly, looking down at the floor. You ran up to them quickly, asking whats wrong, yet they didnt answer. 

Instead, they asked you to bring them a lotus flower...

You turned around, wondering where the hell are you supposed to get one. Then you noticed that the toilet wasnt the toilet anymore.. it was the staff room. (important info)

You didnt even question it anymore, instead going in and hoping to find the flower. There it sat, at the end of the room.

Grabbing the flower, you brought it to your best friend. Only then did they spoke, mumbling a thank you before vanishing into thin air.

You stood there quietly for a moment. You took a deep sigh and kept moving.

As you took a turn you saw a brightly lit room, so bright it was just pure white inside. Perhaps, this was the exit?

The walk there was quiet and slow.. athough you were walking fast, it seemed like eternity till you got there.

As you stepped into the bright room, you were met with a wite celling instead.

You were in a.. hospital bed..?
You felt a burning sensation on your neck, like there was rope there before.
Suddenly you remembered the hanging image of yourself in the art room..

You looked beside you, only to notice.. your.. teacher.

Your heart rate picked up.

Why was he here? What did he want? 

You blinked multiple times, blacking out a little.

At the last flutter of your eyelids did the teacher into the black person you've seen before.

And just like that, the monitor beside you that showed your heart-rate went into a straight line.

Genshin Impact headcannons/scenarios - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now