Chapter 2-Going to party

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Pete POV
I am cooking breakfast for Vegas and Macau. I saw Macau to coming down from stairs. Looking like he is going to somewhere.

"Good morning phi Pete " he greet me with a smile.
"Good morning ,Macau. Where are you going in this early morning ?"I asked.
"Oh i am going to my collage for some projects."he said
"Oh i see. OK then first have your breakfast."i said with a smile.
Then he sat on the dinning table and started to eat. Then Vegas also came and sat on the dinning table.

"Hey,good morning, big bro. How is your wounds now ?"Macau asked with concern.
"Don't worry. I am fine now."Vegas also replied with a warm smile.
Suddenly my phone started ringing. When i look at the name i got shock its Mr. Kinn. I am wondering why he is calling me now i already resign. I receive the call.
"Saw dee kab ,boss Kinn."i said.

"Hey,Pete you don't need to call me boss anymore. You are not a bodyguard of main family now."he said.

"OK,so why you call me ?"i asked

"Actually i am throwing a party at today evening and i want you to come with Vegas and Macau."

"But why are you suddenly throwing a party?" i ask.

"You know that Porsche is now the head of the family and also today is Porsche's brother Chay's birthday. So he want to throw a big party for celebrating both occasions. Porsche wants to invite you cause you are his best friend. I hope you will come ".

After hearing Kinn i looked at Vegas.

"What happened? What is he saying?"Vegas asked.

I said him everything to him about party and he started looking at me blankly.

"Its OK Vegas if you are uncomfortable we will not go."i said.

"What is your wish? Do you want to go there?"he asked me with a warm smile.

"Yes" i said hesitantly

"Then we will go. For me nothing is more important then your happiness and wish."he said with a smile .
I literally jumped from happiness.

"Thank you so much ,Vegas "i said.
Then i again started to talk with Kinn who was in line.

"We will come Mr.Kinn ." i said.

"Okey,that's great see you soon then. Bye."he said and hang up.
Then Macau get up from table.
"OK i am going now bye"Macau said.

"OK,but come before evening you know we going to main family on their party" i said.

"Yeah ,i got it."he said.

In evening
I already get ready for the party cause i am too exited to meet them because after the end of war i did not  saw anyone from main family. Even,i didn't talk  with khun Thankun. I miss his craziness so much and i also miss Porsche,Arm,Pol a lot.Vegas is still getting ready so i go to look for him. I open the room door and i saw him standing in front of mirror. He is wearing  black pant,black silk T-shirt and wine color blazer. His heir is well sated. I was looking at him shamelessly  cause he is looking so damn handsome. I really want to know that why this bastard is so much handsome. After few seconds i even didn't notice that he is calling me .
"Pete..... Pete "he yell

"Oh ye-yes "i said nervously

"Am i looking that handsome that you cant take of your eyes from
me "he said with a smirk in his face as he started to come close to me and my foots are automatically going  backwards  until my back hit on the wall. Now his face is so close to my face that his hot breath is hitting on my face. 

(Sorry for mistakes and short chapter)

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