Chapter 14 - Plan

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Vegas POV
I think that Alley still did not get to know that me and Pete already sort out our problem. Now me and Pete was sitting in my bedroom on my couch and thinking that what should we do next.

"Did you think anything Pete" i asked

"No. But i was thinking that why she wanted you to ignore me" he said.

"No idea but i guess she like me" i said.

"Its possible. Cause in the Therapankyul party she tried to mark you and now she told you to avoid me. Maybe she want us to get separated and then she will take her chance." he said

"So, what should we do next?"

"I have a PLAN" he said.

"What?"i asked.

"First we have to find out that how is she spying on us" he said

"I am sure that there is not a cc tv in this room. That's mean any of our man is betraying us and working for her." i said.

"Yes. That mean he cant spy on us inside this room . He will only enter in this room when he will come here for any kind of work and that's the moment when he will also spy. But out side of this room whatever we will do he will inform it to Alley." he said.

"So what should we do now?" i asked

"Lets pretend that we are angry from each other. Lets pretend to be separated from each other. Let her think that she is winning. We should find out this that is she really just want you or she want something bigger then that."He said it with a smile.

"Wow baby. So lets start the plan." i said with a smirk and then i pulled Pete and make him sit on my lap. I added"My baby is smart. I should give you a reward."

"Of course you should" he said as he slammed his soft lips on mine. I also kissed him back. We make out for 2 or 3 minutes then we pulled out.

"Lets start". He said


(Sorry for giving short chapter and late update. I am currently sick and busy as well with my studies. And thank you so much for votes and support.)❤❤❤

Vegas Pete Deepest LoveWhere stories live. Discover now