Chapter 13- Truth

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Vegas POV
I wake up and see a cute face on my chest. Last night we have the most intense sex in our life. I enjoy it a lot and i think Pete enjoy it as well. Then Pete also open his eyes slowly.
"Good morning ,love"i said
He did not say anything but instead hugged me tightly and give me a kiss on my chest.

"I miss you" he said with a broken tone and guilt started to build in my chest as i felt some water dropping on my chest.
"Pete" i said and make him look towards me as I saw he was crying.

"I miss you so much Vegas. Please don't ignore me ever " he said while crying. So, i whipped his tears.

"I am sorry Pete,i am really sorry" i said with a guilt . Then i give him a peck on his lips.

"Can you hold me for some time" he asked cutely as i chuckled. He is so cute. I get up from laying to sitting position as i pulled him and started cuddling him. I hugged him tightly and rubbing his head.
"Can i ask you something?"
"of course ,love"
"Promise me that you will tell me honestly"
"So tell me now why you have been ignoring from last few days? I guess something happen in that party with your new client. Tell me the truth"
"Pete..." before i say he Interrupt me.
"Please Vegas don't hide anymore. You trust me right? So please share with me. I want to help you."
Now i can not hold anymore. I have to tell him about this.
"So listen me Pete. In that party i again meet with that Alley."as i said her name Pete look at me.
"What.. Alley. What was she doing in the party?" he asked
"She is the daughter of our new client Alvin.
"What !"
"Yes. That day....

"Now listen carefully. So basically stay away from that Pete. Okey ?"Alley said

"oh really? And do you really think i will do this stupid shit?" i asked

"Stop being stupid,Vegas. Don't you care about Pete ? He is sleeping really peacefully. Do you want to wake him up?"she said with a evil smirk

" you know he is sleeping"this time i get a little nervous.

"I know everything. So, stay away from him. Don't dare to let him touch you got it?

"What do you want? Why are you doing all these shits?"I asked her with a nervous face. Cause i cant let her hurt Pete.

"For now i want this wish to be fulfill from you. And I am doing this because maybe i want you or maybe someone told me or maybe more bigger then that. Who knows?"she said with a evil smile. And then she added
"And yes don't believe too much on your surrounding people and don't try to act clever or .......actually you know what Pete just wake up from his sweet sleep. "

"You fucking bitch....."my blood started boiled.

" don't dare. Just do what i said to you after that i will inform you what you have to do next. For now goodbye Khun Vegas." she said and left me with a great fucking problem.
End flashback

After i said all these Pete is looking shocked.
"Is she a stalker ?or psycho or crazy" he said.
"No fucking idea"
"Vegas you should told me earlier" he said
"I was afraid that she will harm you. And from these days i was trying to found that man who was betraying us "
I said. Then Pete give me a quick peck on my lips.
"Don't worry my love. Nothing can happen to me because you will be always there for me to protect me"he said with a soft smile.
"Yes. I love you my dear" i said as i kissed on kiss fore head.
"I love you too my love. So, now lets solve it together." he said

"yes" i said as i hugged him tightly.


(Sorry for late and short update but i am having a lot of pressure from studies. Please kindly vote for it)

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