Chapter 10 - Realize

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Pete POV
This time i just can hope that Vegas come soon then suddenly a fist land on Tong ' s face and he collapsed on floor. Oh thank you god you listen my wish and Vegas actually came. Then he help me to get up. I cant look into his eyes because of guilt and fear as well. This all happened because of me. Then Vegas sat on top of him and started punch him . I can say by his gaze that he is really angry.

Vegas POV.
When Pete left i can not able to do my work anymore as i am only getting the thought of Pete with that Tong. Is Pete ok ? Did he reach in the restaurant safely? Did Tong do anything wrong with my Pete? I am getting so frustrated and angry . Enough is enough i cant ignore this anymore i have to go there..........
When i reach on the restaurant i can't found them. When i ask manager he said that a couple is also in rooftop. They are having special dinner. When i heard that's it. My face turn into red from anger as i run towards rooftop . When i enter there my palm turn into fist with the scene in front of me. I saw that Pete is laying on the floor and Tong is on top of Pete as his one hand is pinning Pete's both hand on upwards and his other hand is squeezing Pete's bare waist. As i notice Pete' s eyes is shut tightly and tears rolling from his corner of eyes and i can sense he is forcing Pete. So, my guess was correct. Tong is not good at all and i am not gonna spare him at all. How dare he to touch my Pete. I am really gonna cut his hand. I run to them and punch Tong so hard that he fall on the floor then i help Pete to get up. I can see Pete was really happy when he see me but when he looked at my angry eyes his gaze automatically go down as he knew he just fucked up. I go to Tong and punched him again and again and blood started to flowing from his mouth. Then i twisted his hands as he scream in pain and i twisted it more hardly.
"Aaaa........." Tong screamed.

"This is just a trailer for touching Pete" i said and smirk. But suddenly he hit me with his elbow and pushed me and run. When i was about to go after him Pete held my hands tightly as i got it Pete needs me but i am so damn angry on him for his this stupidity.

Pete POV
When Vegas was going to go after him i held his wrist tightly cause i don't want to let him go ,i want to hug him ,i want him to comfort me but i know this really well that he is so damn angry for this. He warned me so many times but i did not listen him and continued my stupid plan. I am realizing now my mistake but maybe  its too late. Suddenly he yank my hand and held my arms as he pulled me towards car. The whole car ride was silent as i can feel the devil inside him. After entering in our room he locked the door as he stood in front of me with his both hand fold on his chest and looking at me like a lion looking at his
prey . I gulped on my saliva

"Wanna say something ?"he asked in English  with a calm tone as my whole body shivered.
" sorry" i said with my gaze down.
"And?" he asked
"Please Vegas i know i caused all this problem. Please forgive me this time." i said with a pout .
"Stop your pout . I know why are you doing this pout.  I am really not angry with you Pete but i am really upset with you and you made me disappoint as well. Did you even realize that what would have happened to you if i had not came in time? And if something happened to you what would have happened to me?" he said with angry and broken tone at the same time. As i go close to him and wrapped my both hands around his neck.

"Please i am so sorry Vegas. Just forgave me this time. I will do what ever you will say,you can give me any kind of punishment,you can beat me as well. But please forgive me and stop ignoring me" i said in a cute tone for melt his heart quickly. But suddenly he turned me around as he pinned my both hand upward my head. I was a little surprised. His other hand held my reveling waist tightly and his forehead is resting on mine. Our breath is mixing with each other.

"Then get ready for punishment,kitty. You made me jealous  for whole one week. I will teach you a lesson tonight and i swear kitty after a long time the beast and devil inside me woke up and you are the who did it. So now you have to bare it. I will fuck you until you only remember my name and remember that who you belongs to".
he said with a smirk as my whole body flushed under him. I will accept his any kind of punishment but i am scared and exited as well cause for a long time we did not do anything and i know today's sex is not gonna be a normal sex as i rise the beast inside him. So, i am exited that what he will do and scared because i knew he will enjoy but i will not. He suddenly left my hands and step backwards a little as he again fold his hand on his chest.

"Strip" he said in a order. I blushed and gulped on my saliva...........


(Thank you so much for supporting my story a lot. Vote and follow me. Thank you again and please ignore if i made any mistakes in writing. Sorry and again Thank you)

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