Chapter 12-Punishment🔞(2)

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Note:Extreme sexual content

Pete POV
"Aaa....." i was moaning mess. He started to give kisses to my inner thighs. Then i felt something wet in my hole as i got a new sensation in my whole body. Vegas started licking my hole. He was literally tongue fucking me.
"A..aa......." i was moaning. I again felt that i am close. Then he started to stroking my cock fast.
"Da..daddy......s...slow" i was moaning but he make his phase more fast as i felt to cum.

"D..daddy i ..w..want to ..c...cum"

"not now baby boy" he said with a smirk. He suddenly put his one finger on my hole without any warning.
"Agh fuck" he started to make his phase fast on his finger. Then he put his another digit and then another. He is fingering me more fast.
"D....daddy....i...i c..cant . let me cum." i moaned
But he did not stop fingering me but instead he started stroking me with his hand .
" cum d..daddy" i pleaded
"Beg me" he said

" pl...please d..da..daddy" i begged . Then he stop stroking me and fingering me. But i really want to cum badly because i was holding it for a long time that my lower stomach is hurting and blood are rushing through my penis.
"Fine i will let you cum but when i will take off the ring don't dare to cum immediately you have wait for only 2 minutes. Okey?" he said as i got frustrated . This bastard knew that i want to cum badly that's why he put this condition. He know that once he take off the ring i will not be able to control anymore.
" if i couldn't control then?" i asked.

"If you could not fulfill the condition then don't worry i will not punish you again but ... I will..... Leave you here like this" he said with a smirk as my eye got wide. What the fuck. This bastard got crazy today. I want to hit his head.
Fuck. Is he going to leave me like this when i am this much needy and erected as hell. Shit.
"I am taking it off now" he said as he untied the ring and i was in really a bad pressure. I was trying my best to not cum. But i could not as i really need to release. My cum shot on my stomach and it lasts long for 2 minute.

"Baby boy ,you did not control for even 10 seconds. So i think i should leave now." he said as i shook my head. He started to untying me . Now i am totally free from cuffs and chain . I was breathing heavily . He started to go towards bathroom but i quickly get up from bed and held his wrist. Then i pulled him and crashed my lip on him. I started sucking his lips. He started to kiss me back . He bite my lower lip as i open my mouth and he enter his tongue in my mouth. His tongue is exploring every corner of my mouth. After few minutes we pulled each other as now our fore heads is touching each
Others. We both are breathing heavily.

"Please...please..daddy .....don't leave me like this. I..i want you so badly. I need you to wreck me. Fuck me until i remember only yours name. Mark me. Make me yours but please don't leave me like this" i said shamelessly as i was damn hard right now. Nothing came into my mind i just want him to fuck me right now.
"Baby boy don't you thing you are being a slut today?" he asked with smirk.
"Only for you"i said shamelessly
"Then on you four baby boy" he said as i understood . I get up on the bed and got on my knees and hand . He then come started kissing my back and ass cheeks . The he again put his tongue in my hole and started fucking me with his tongue. Then he again started stroking me with a fast phase.
"d..daddy ...put it in already"
He then take out his tongue out and put his dick in my hole in one go.

"Agh fuck.."

"Fuck you are still tight" he moaned
As he started thrusting me hard and fast . He was stroking me as well. When he suddenly hit my sweet spot.
"ah... Yes.. There.."
He started thrusting more fast.
"Ahhh you feel so good" he moaned.
"So say who you belongs too" he asked while thrusting.
"O....only" i said.
He started thrusting more fast that his dick is hitting in my end wall.
"aaa..d.daddy...... I gonnaa..c..cum"i said
"yes me as well" he said as he thrusts few more times and i cum on my and his stomach and he cum inside me.
"you okey?"he asked as he pulled out his dick As i nod . Tonight we had the most intense sex in our life . He laid beside me. We both were breathing heavily.
I am feeling so exhausted that felt sleep immediately. I don't know what happened next. I just knew i passed out.

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