Chapter 19- End of danger

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Vegas POV
I was relived that my Pete came but i am worried about him. Did he come alone? But suddenly alley intturupt my thoughts.
"You don't have to be so happy. I have a plan for you babe?"she said with a smirk."Gurds take him in that room"she added.
Where the heck she is gonna sent me.

Pete Pov
I need to find Vegas soon. I was searching every room but i could not found him. I was panicking hell. I hope nothing happen to Vegas. Suddenly i heared a loud voice and this voice belong to none other then Alley. I can see that she already caught Kinn,Porsche,arm,Pol and some other gurds. They all are in gunpoint. Fuck.
I go to downstairs. Alley is on her single couch with crossed legs. Some bodygurd and a tall man was beside her.
"Wellcome Pete. I did not thought  that you would actually take help from Major family" she asked mockingly.
"Shut the fuck up. Leave them and where is Vegas?"

"Cool down ,pete.He is fine and cool as well."

"I swear if something happen to him i will fucking kill you"

"A..a..Pete language. Don't forget that Vegas is still under my eyes. But if you want to see him that much so look at the TV screen."
She said as i look on the screen. I saw that Vegas is in a room where he is tied with a piller and that room is not a normal room. It is a fucking ice room. I can see through the screen clearly Vegas condition is not well at all. His face is pale and he is also not concious. He have deep cuts on his chest. My eyes got tears. Fuck. Its all my fault. I should not let him come here. I could not protect him . I was about to go toward Alley with anger but her gurds caught me.
"Don't even dare Pete. The temprature of that room in already in -2 degree.So behave well" she said mockingly. Now i am getting afraid.
"What hell do you want? Why are you doing all this? " i asked.
"Awwww. Look someone is crying but you know what that does not effect me. If something can't be mine that also can't be someone else's."
She said with a smirk then she take out a remote and did something.
"Now the temreture is -4 degree"

"No no please i beg you don't do this i will do anything you say."i said as i don't have any option. I can't Let anything happen to Vegas.

"Oh nice. Then go to your knees and beg me more" She laugh as i go more close to her. When i was going on my knees i gave Kinn a signal to hit the gurds cause the gurds are now not paying attention to him and he did. I also took the chance and take that remot from Alley's hand. Arm,pol started fight with gurd.Alley also tried to hit me but Porsche held her.
"Pete you go and save Vegas we will handle here"Porsche said.

(No more today . Please enjoy ang ignore mistakes)

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