Chapter 8 - Jelousy

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Pete POV
As i got a plan i started to work on it. It was already morning and Vegas still did not talk with me . I was upset but i have to focus on my plan for now then i will make it up with him. Vegas already go to his office. I also get ready as i have to go coffee shop to meet with my old friend from high school. He was my really good friend but after high school he goes to abroad but some days ago he came back to Thailand. But i could not able to meet him. But today i will meet him and i will also ask him to help me with my plan and my plan is to make Vegas jealous. I know if he will get jealous he will get over possessive and he will definitely stop ignoring me.
(in coffee shop)
I enter to the shop as i started to look for my friend and then suddenly i heard a deep voice.
"Hey Pete ,i am here." he said
As i turned. He was taller then me,having a wait skin tone,also have a deep voice. He is quite handsome but not more then Vegas.
"Oh hi Phi Tong long time no see." i said but suddenly he hugged me tightly which i found little weird but i thought it was friendly hug so i hug him back as he said.

"I missed you Pete" he said as i pushed him lightly.
"Oh yes yes."I said as we sat and talk for a long time .
"So, i want your help a little" i said.
"Oh yes yes sure Pete. Say how can i help you."he said. So i told him the whole story.
" So you are having a boyfriend?" he asked.
"Yes" as i said he looked a little surprised.
"How can i help you?" he asked .
Then i tell him about my plan and surprisingly he agree quickly more then i thought.
"Thank you so much Phi Tong." i said

"Its welcome Pete and you know what it will not gonna be so hard for me to make your boyfriend jealous cause you are already pretty and i will enjoy flirting with you" he said with a smirk.

"Ah..... Thank you"i got little awkward by him. I don't know i felt uncomfortable. He is just complementing me.
"OK OK don't need to get awkward . I was kidding" he said as he was laughing.
Then we  started to work on our plan.
Vegas and me we both are in hall but we didn't talk to each other since last night. He is working with his laptop and i was sitting there on couch scrolling my phone. Suddenly our doorbell ring and i knew who it is. Plan started. One of our maid open the door and i saw Tong with a suitcase in his hand.
"Pete i am back"He said with a smile as he started run towards me to hug me.
"Phi Tong." i said with a joyful smile and started to go towards as we hugged each other so tightly. When i was hugging him i was feeling a sharp gaze on me and that was non other then Vegas's. But i ignore it even though i notice that how his palm turn into a fist.
"Are you done ,Pete?" Vegas asked as we leave each other from hug.
"Oh hi Vegas i did not notice you." Tong said
"Whatever but who are you and how you know my name?" Vegas asked.
"Vegas, he is Phi Tong my  high school friend. I told him about you. He came back from abroad just yesterday so i offered him to stay 2 days in our house so we can hangout a little ." i said.
"What the hell. Is my house seems like a hotel or what?" he said in anger tone.
"Oh please Vegas he is my very good friend and you are also being busy these days. I am getting really bore so he will stay here. I don't want to hear anything." i said in a demanding tone. I did not wait for his reply as i hold Tong arm and pulled it.
"Come on Phi Tong let me show you your room." i said as we both started to go up stairs and i can feel his angry and jealous gaze on me as i am holding Tong's arm. I smirked in satisfaction that my plan is literally working.


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