Chapter 15- Execute plan

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Pete POV
Today was the day we had to executed our plan and as we planned we were fighting or ignoring each other. Honestly, it was hard to ignor Vegas and also i was felling bad that i had to fight with him. But still i had not any option. We had to do this. But in other hand that bastard was really into acting cause he was acting so real that i had to thought that if he was actually acting or he was really angry. I agree that Vegas and i had to pretend to fight with each other but at least he could call me from his office but he did not. I am really angry right now . I want to beat his ass up.

Night 9:00o
I was sitting on bed and scrolling my phone. Suddenly some one open the door and it was none other then my husband Vegas. He enter and close the door. I did not said anything and was just looking at him .

"What happen babe ? Did you miss me ?" he asked in a soft tone aa he came near to me. Still i did not said anything. I just stand on the bed and throw myself in his arms. He also held me tightly. Then i wrrapped my legs around his waist and he lift like a baby.

"I miss you so much " i said as he held me more tighter. Then he sat on the sofa. I was on his lap.
"I also miss you baby." he said

"Oh really then why didn't you call ne ? Do you really had to pretend this hard? Do you think you will get Oscar for your great real acting?" i said with a pout as he chuckled.

"Why? didn't you are one who said that we had to act hard cause they are really clever,they should not doubt on us." he said.

"Yes i said. But at least you could pick my call right?" i asked with a pout and then he suddenly gave me a kiss.

" So sorry baby but i was little busy with work"he said.

"Nevermine . Its ok." i said as he again kissed me and this time it was passionate. I started to feel butterflies in my tummy. Even though we kiss often but still whenever Vegas kiss me i always feel like this. I can sense my ears and cheeks are getting red.


(Really sorry for late updates and mistakes. Please kindly ignore mistakes. I am trying my best and thank u for reading.)😢😢

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