Chapter 7 - Wierd

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Vegas POV
I got so frustrated to see her. My blood started boiling. If this not about deal i would already gone from here. God damn it. But i don't understand one thing that isn't this Alley is already a new client of kinn so why his father collaborating   with me ?why not with Kinn. Suddenly she spoked
"Dad,can we talk alone for some time ?"she said with smirk
"Yes yes sure my daughter."Mr. Alvin said as he left two of us alone.

"Nice to meet you again Vegas. So, say how are you doing?"she said

"What do you want to say? Just say clearly. Come direct to point."i said as she evilly smiled.

"I am impressed. You are indeed smart. Then lets come to the point. So listen ................

Pete POV
Everything is going really weird from last week. Vegas had been ignoring me from last week after coming from that party. He ignoring my whole existence,avoiding my touch as well. We also did not talk much and spend time together. He came midnight from office after i fall in sleep and also go early in morning to office before me to wake and when its holiday he just spent his whole day in front of his fucking laptop. I am getting really irritated now. I know he is definitely hiding something from me. Something happened in that party but he is not telling me. He is pretending everything is normal but i know he is in stress and i want to help him. Today i am gonna talk with him again i thought cause today he is at home. So,i enter in our room. He is sitting in couch and working with his damn laptop. He is wearing a white  t shirt ,black trouser and he is wearing glasses. I don't know why i am founding him damn handsome .

I go to him as i took his laptop away and put it on table. He frowned his eyes in confusion. I sat on his lap.

"What happened Pete? Do you want something?" he asked in normal tone.

"Yes. I want my Vegas back." i said

"What? What  are trying to say Pete?"he asked.

"Come on Vegas. I know you are understanding what i am trying to say. Don't need to pretend. "

"What are you talking about Pete? I really cant understand." he asked in normal tone which made me a bit angry.
"Vegas you had  been  ignoring me in this whole week in fact you are avoiding my touch. I know you are hiding something from me. Say what is it ?"i said

"Its just some work load Pete and i am not avoiding with you. I am just stress by works. You need to understand." he said normal tone which made me more angry as i stand up from his lap and yell
"What the fuck you want me to to understand when you are not telling me the problem" i yell
"I already told its just work" he said

"do you think i am a fool. Do you think I cant see your problems. Stop lying and tell me the actual problem." i yelled again.

"i already told Pete" he said
This time i just want to beat him. He is making me frustrated by his words.

"You know what you are a liar. You are not telling me because you don't trust me ,right" i asked in yell
Now he stand up as well.

"What are you saying Pete? I trust you more then myself." he yell

"Then tell me." i yell

"Its actually work. Nothing else." he said in normal tone.

"Oh god damn it. Stop lying. I am not understanding why are you lying? It is because you don't trust me or you don't want share with me or ....your love for me in no............" i stopped as he yell
" know what i don't know this Pete. My Pete will always try to understand me ." he said in broke tone. Then he take his laptop and left the room. Oh god Pete you are a big dumb. What the fuck  you did. I know he love me but i just got angry and lost control from my words. Now he will ignore me more. I want to help him. Now i have to first planned something which can make him stop from ignoring me. I thing for sometime. How it would be if i seduce him? No no no. I am not in good this and i never did this ever. Then suddenly an idea popped in my head which made me smirk in satisfaction. This will definitely gonna work and Vegas will stop ignoring me.  

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