Chapter 17-Captured

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Vegas POV
I am not getting a good vibe from her but still i have to talk with her.
"Why are you standing there Vegas. Come and take sit please." she said

"Cut your craps. Why did you want me to meet you at this time?"i said

"Mmmm..... Why Vegas? What happend? Is someone waiting for you at home but who. Because if i am not wrong you and Pete are fighting ,right? She said looking at me suspiciously.

"Of course don't you knew this already"i said.

Then she suddenly get up from the couch and started coming toward me. She came too close to me and tried to hold my cheeks but i yank her hand. Then she started laughing. Is she really crazy or what.
"Come on Khun Vegas whom you are even trying to make fool ? Me ?"she said sarcasticly with a smirk.

"What the fuck are you trying to say ?"i yell.

"Don't yell Khun Vegas . This is my area and what do you think ? Huh? You and your so called BF could actually made me fool. Do you guys really think that i will not get your poor acting. Don't forget that i am the owner of this game" she said with angry tone.

Fuck. Shit. How the heck she get to know. Damn it. It's mean there are spy cctvs inside bedroom. Now i am worried about Pete.
"Fuck off. What heck do you want bitch? Why are you messing with our life? I said with irritation.

"Aa....aa Language Khun Vegas. Let me answer simply. I want you. Do you really think i knew you only from that main family's party? No. I had known you from childhood."
She said.

"Whatt? " i asked in surpraise.

"You don't remember me cause you do not like to talk with people so much but my dad and you dad's were good friend. Your dad did a deal with my dad that if my dad gave your dad 50 percent share he will make you to marry me when we will grow up. But after growing up and waiting for so long i get to hear that you are a gay and i also heared about your father so i thought i should tell about the past deal but guess what? I got to know that you are having a fucking BF'she said in anger.
Fuck off. Even after his death he did not let me live my life peacefully. I hate it.
"Wait. If this is the matter why you did not came to me back then?" i asked

"In these years i was in abroad. I came Thailand just 6 months ago. My dad died just 5 month ago and his last wish was getting me married to you and guess what?it is my wish as well. I don't fucking care if you are a gay. Your dad already made the deal. "
She said.

"Look i understand . But fortunately my dad is no more and i have a love life. So you better move on. You will find someone more better then me."

"Hahahaha....maybe yes i will but i dont want anyone else i only want you my dear"she said.

"Then dream on . Cause i only love Pete and i belong to hi....

Suddenly i felt a hit on my head and i just passed out. I don't know after that what happened.

Midnight 2:00 am
Pete POV
I am getting so stress. Where the fuck are you Vegas. His phone is also swich off. I can sense that something bad is gonna happen. My heart started to panicked. It' s enough. I have to do something now. So i call Porche. After calling him 4 times he finally picked up.
"Fuck.. Off..Pete..why you did call this..time" he said with a heavy breathing and i got it what was he doing in the middle night. But now i only care about Vegas.
"Look Porsche please come here fast with Kinn. I want help." i said with a panicking tone .
"Hey hey Pete what happend?are you ok?"
"No i am not ok please come fast"
"Ok ok we are coming"
Vegas POV
I opened my eyes slowly. My head is still hurting and spinning. When i open my eyes everything was dark. I am in a dark room. Fuck it . Then i realize i am tied with a chair and also i am shirtless. I tried to untie myself but couldnot. Suddenly someone enter in the room with heavy foots and swich the lights on. I realize that Alley is infront off me and this time a tall,bright skin with muscle guy is also with him.

"Oh you already Khun"that boy asked.

"Now who the fuck are you and why you both tied me like this?"i asked.

"Chill Khun. I thought that i should ask you politly if you are going to be mine but i got to know that you will not so i decided now that i will make you mine by fourcefully"Alley said.

"Are you psycho? Can't you get i love only Pete"i said.

"why? only you can be the only psycho in this whole world. I can't ?".she said with a smirk.

"Yes. Khun Vegas i am warning you that you should agree politly. You still have time. But if my sister turns in to whole psycho she will be so dengerous that i can't even dare to stop her"that boy said with evil smirk.

"Fuck you. I will never be yours. I only belong to Pete. Got it you bitch".i said.
Suddenly her face turned into dark. She ordered her mans to tied me with pillar and now i am standing against a piller with tied body. I don't know what will happen next but i am feeling like karma is paying me back. I don't know what this psycho bitch is going to do.

(After a long time i am giving you a long update so enjoy.😊)

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