Chapter 18-Plan to rescue

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Pete POV
Now i am sitting infront of Kinn porsche and my eyes are fulls of tears.Arm,Pol and Thankun also came with them.

"Look,pete please calm down and tell us that what happend?" porsche asked.

"Yes Pete tell us what happened? Did my bastard cousin did something to you ?" Thankun said

"" i was sobbing hard.

"Then where is Vegas and exectly what happened?" kinn asked
Then i said everything to them .

"What? So many things happened and you are saying all these now?" porsche said.
'Porsche we thought that we could handle but its been 6 hours that vegas had been gone and now i am getting strees please help me" i said
"Don't worry Pete we will defenitly help you" Kinn said.
"Yes" Khun said.
"Did Vegas took his phone with him?" porsche asked.
"Yes" i said
"Then that's great . Why don't we track his phone." Porsche said.
"Oh yes. It didn't came in my mind" i said.
"Don't worry Pete we will find him soon. Arm ,Pol start the work." Kinn said.
"Yes boss" Arm said.
Then Khun no sit beside me and gave me a glass of water.
"Clam down my dear Pete. We will defenitly find that bastard." khun no said.
I just nodd. Please Vegas be ok. I will find you soon my Love.

Vegas POV
Alley is slowly coming close to me with a sharp knife in her hand. Then she gave me a evil smirk and suddenly she started to make a deep cut on my chest as i groaned in pain but she did not stop. Like this she also started to make some other cuts and i hissed in pain.
Some time later
Blood are all over my chest and it also flowind down to my stomuch. But i put a poker face and i can sense that she is not satisfied.
"Looking like you are not going to give up?"
"I will never."
"Oh really. That won't happen. Cause i will make you beg." she said with a smirk. No matter how many times she cuts me it doesn't matter cause i am already physically strong and able to bare this pain. But suddenly she came close to me and started suck my neck. Fuck it. What the fuck is this bitch doing now. I can't even push her. Then she bite on my neck so hard that i hissed in pain. When she leave my neck i can see blood of my neck on her lips and teeth. Is she a fucking vampire or what. Then she again came close to me and about to make cut on my face but then suddenly we heared shooting sounds coming from out side. I am sure that this is Pete but i am also worried about him. Did he came alone or with bodygurds?.

Pete Pov.
"We found the location."Pol said.
"Oh that's great' Kinn said.
"Let's go now. I can't delay." i said
"Yes let's go" khun no said.
"No khun you can't come with us. It is dangerous place" porsche said but khun no started to plead for come.
"Please khun thankun. Don't be stubborn. Go to main mansion and take rest . If we need you we will call you" i said in a almost begging tone.

"Okh Pete. If you are saying so fine but all of you take care of yourselves." he said.
As we all go to the place. It was a silent place. The house is really bigg and it surrounded with so many gurds.
"Me,Porsche,arm,pol and other subordinates will handle them. You go and find Vegas" Kinn said.
" ok" i said.
"Be careful Pete " Arm said.
I nodd. I am here Vegas and now nothing will happen to you. Arm , pol ,kinn and porsche started to attack bodygurds one by one quietly. I took the chance and enter to the mansion but as i step on the carpet suddenly a siren started to make loud noise. Shit i messed up. The all gurds started to shooting. I also take my gun out and started shooting. Kinn, porsche also started fireing. I have to find Vegas as soon as possible.

(Enjoy and ignore mistakes)

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