Chapter 6 - Again meeting

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Vegas POV

I open my eyes as sun light hit my eyes and i saw the most beautiful man of my life Pete. His naked body is hugging me so tightly. Suddenly he also opened his eyes.

"What happen" he asked
"Nothing"i said as i smile and kissed his forehead . Suddenly my phone started to ring as i picked up and hear and response
"Yes,okey i am coming in half an hour." i said in phone then i hanged up.
"what happen?who called ?" he asked

"Its a good news. I got a big deal and the dealers are coming from Canada. This deal is about millions and give so much prophet to our company" i said

"Wow such a great news" he said as kissed my cheeks.

"Okey now lets get up i also have to leave in half an hour." i said

"okey go and take shower. I will make breakfast for you soon." he said with a smile.

"as you say my wify." i said as i chuckled
"shut up you asshole " he said as  he flushed by my words.

(After half an hour in office)

I was a little nervous because i am about to meet with a new dealer. I enter in my office and they are already in. He is a little old man.

"Sorry if i make you wait"i said
"its okey Mr. Vegas" he said in Thai as i got startled
"Oh you can speak in Thai."i asked
"Yeah my late wife was Thai" he said"My name is Alvin Donal" he added.
"Oh really nice to meet you Mr. Alvin"i said as we shake our hand.
(After a 2 hour meeting)
"Its gonna be fun with our collaboration" he said
"Yeah of course."i said
"So i want to throw a party and you must have to come . So many big business man's  will come " he said
"Oh yeah sure " i said as they left. I am so damn happy. I am feeling like the most happiest man in the world right now.
(In home)
Its evening i just reach home. When i enter into my bedroom my dear wify was sleeping peacefully as a little smile appeared on my face. I slowly walk to him and hugged him from behind.

"You came ?"He asked in still his eyes closed.
"How you know its me ?" i asked
"I never cant forget your body fragrance and your touch." he said as i chuckled
"Oh really" i asked
"Yes. Its the most unique scent and the most relaxing touch for me" he said as he turned his beautiful face to me and hug me more tighter. I felt special. As i was exhausting from work i cuddled him for long time to get  relax.
(Next day evening)
I was getting ready for Mr. Alvin's party. I wore my black lether pant and red silk t shirt. Pete hand over me my coat.
"You are looking handsome mr.Vegas"
he said.
"Oh am i ?" i asked as i pulled him by his waist .
"Yes but don't try to woo anyone and don't flirt." He said with a glare.
"Don't worry . You are the only one who i can flirt with" i said as i placed a kiss on his cheeks
"Look, take care of yourself. I don't know why but i feeling not good about this party". He said with a worried tone.
"Don't worry. Okey now smile a say me good luck." i said.
"All the best" he said with smile
"Okey bye"I said
"Bye" as he gave me a quick kiss on lips.
I left. After half an our of driving i finally reach in Mr. Alvin's mansion. I enter to the house as i saw many big and rich people's.
"Good evening Mr. Vegas"Said someone from behind
"Oh good evening Mr. Alvin" i said.
"Come with me i will take you to meet with some big business man's."he said as i go with him. I was talking with everyone for a long time.
"Come on Mr. Vegas i want you to meet with a special person." Mr. Alvin said
He take me to 2nd floor where there i saw a couch and a lady was sitting there with some clients if i am not wrong. We go close to her. She turned her face to me and i got shocked.
"Mr. Vegas meet my one and only daughter Alley."He said to me and added"Alley meet Mr. Vegas . Our new partner whom i am going to collab with." he said to his daughter who is smirking.
"Hi, Mr. Vegas nice to meet you again."she said with a evil smirk.

(Ignore mistakes. Please follow and let me know in comment how its going.)

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