Chapter 4 - You are mine

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Pete POV
I am so happy to meet my family. When i enter into main family house Khun Thankun almost jump on me and he hug me very tightly. I also hug him back. Then Arm,Pol,Porsche also hug me. I was so happy until i saw that Vegas really not looking fine. Before i say something to him Khun Thankun,Arm,Pol grabbed my arm and they took me with them. We sit on the couch comfortably even though i was worried about Vegas. Suddenly Thankun started looking at me angrily.
I asked
"What happened Khun Thankun ?"

"What happened ?huh? Seriously you are asking me what happened? I should ask you what happened to you Pete ?You resign with out my permission and also you did not meet with me before go to him"  he said dramatically.

"I am sorry khun thankun but i was not on that state that time " i said

"OK if you  are saying so i am forgiving you. So say is that bastard is taking care of you. " he said.

"Of course khun thankun he is taking care of me a lot. I am so so happy that i got him in my life. I am  incomplete without him. " i said with smile

" Wow Pete you  changed. You are really in love." he said dramatically

"Lets forget about all this and enjoy party and i will come right away."i said as i got up from couch and go to find Vegas but i could not find me anywhere its really strange so i go to   washroom to see if he was there and yes i was correct he was but with someone. I got shocked when a girl was throwing her on Vegas and that girl was also sucking Vegas neck and marking him. On the other side Vegas was not able to stand properly and not pushing her.
I got so angry that i cant even explain.
I don't even know when i got this much possessive over him. But i just know this that i am so freaking jealous right now. How dare she to give marks to my man. I just go to them and push the girl so hard that she fall down.  Vegas was so shocked to see me but still he cant stand properly looking like he is feeling dizzy. He was about to say some thing but i glared at him angrily that stopped. But then girl stand up and said.

"Hey Bitch who the hell are you? And how dare you to push?" she said in pure English. But i understand and reply.
"I dare cause you are trying to get my thing "i said proudly.

"Oh really does he having your name or did you mark him?? She started laughing sarcastically . I got so angry.
"But look at his neck i marked him"
She said with a evil smirk

"Oh come on you just mark him but i owe him,i love him and i don't need  to mark him cause he is already mine. And if you don't leave from here you know what its gonna be not really well". I said with proud smirk. Then she left angrily and after that Vegas started speak.
"Pete,honey,baby please don't get angry. I swear i was going to push him but i don't know why i just started to feel dizzy and not well so she took the chance. But i am still sorry . Please don't leave me." he said with sad tone and face
I listen his explanation. I can tell by seeing him that he is not well and he is saying  truth but i don't know what got    into me my anger was not going down at all. When i saw the earlier mark on his neck i got more angry and held his wrist tightly. He got really surprise but did not say any thing. I take him harshly into car and started driving. I can sense that people in the party was  socked to see me like this cause i am not really like this. I also don't know what happened to me all i know now that i am angry or i can say possessive.

We reached at our room and i slammed the door loudly. He was quit. Then i pressed my lips on him. I can feel he is shocked but then he also started kiss me back and i was sucking his lower lip aggressively. I pushed my tongue  inside his mouth and exploring his mouth. He also started  sucking my tongue. Our tongues  are fighting for dominance. I left a soft moan between our kiss and he started to open my cloths but i stopped him and he was shock .
"You did not push that girl. So you are going to get punishment ."i said with smirk. I don't know why i am being so shameless right now. So i make him sit on the couch and took a piece of cloth and tie it on his eyes that he cant see. Then i also tied his hands on his backwards  with handcuff.
"Be ready for punishment"i said seductively in his ears..............

(Sorry for grammar mistakes. Please vote and let me know in comment how is my story going.)

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