Chapter 11 - Punishment🔞🔞(1)

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Note: Extreme sexual content.

Pete POV
"Strip" he said as shiver run down to my spine. I have to do it other wise he will get more angry. I slowly took my whole cloths and now i am fully naked  in front of him. Then he came close and put his palm on my pink blushed cheeks as i can feel the heat raised up inside me.
"Do you know how sexy you are looking now". He said in a seductive voice. Then he crashed his lips on my and without thinking i started kissing him back. He suddenly bite my lips as i open my mouth and he took the chance for enter in my mouth. Our tongues are dancing together. He is sucking my bottom lips. Then he lift me up and now my legs are around his waist , my hands are around his neck and his hands are on my ass cheeks as he started squeezing it. I start moaning
between the kiss. Then he throw me on the bed. My cock is already half erected and i am breathing heavily. Suddenly Vegas goes toward his cupboard and brought a black bag . I was confused at first.
"W..what is this b..bag Vegas?"i said in a nervous tone as he glared at my like a beast but did not reply. Suddenly he take out some stuffs from bag like hand cuffs, leg spreader, vibrator, butt plug,blind fold and a ring but i don't know about this thing. I gulped on my saliva. Then he come to me and in a second he tied my hands with the bed frame , spread my leg really wide with spreaders as my wet hole is visible to him and he is staring at it. I was feeling really embarrassment with this kind of position and blushing really hard.

"Already being impatient baby boy ?" he asked as he saw my half erected cock.
"Do you want me?" he added.
"Are you not gonna answer" he suddenly again asked in a dangerous tone as i didn't reply.
"Y..yes" i said as i was breathing heavily because of nervousness. He then come to me and tied that ring on my cock. I felt really uncomfortable with that ring as i still didn't knew what will this ring do.

"Vegas remove it. It is uncomfortable and what is it ? Why you put it there?i asked in frustrating tone cause i actually being impatient for him. I already want him to fuck me but he is just teasing me.

"Baby boy, 1st thing don't try to command me when you are in this position. 2nd thing you are innocent huh? But don't worry you will get to know tonight that what this ring will do . By the way its a cock ring" he said in a calm but commanding tone. Then he put blind fold on me as well. What the fuck. Now i cant even see that what will he do next to me , i could not see his sexy face as well. I hate this. Then he put a thing in my hole and before i guess that what it is he turned it on in a high level as i got it that it is a vibrator as it abusing my hole. I started to feel pleasure and pain in the same time and i was moaning mess.
"Aa.......fuck" i was moaning loudly.
After some time i can feel the desperation for release but could not cause of that ring . Now i knew why he put this ring. My lower stomach is almost hurting.
" ,Vegas"

"What do you want my baby boy?"

"M...move that r..ring. p..please let me cum"

"why ? You were being naughty from whole week kitty." he said in a piercing tone.

"i..i a...m sorry. Let me c..cum." i pleaded him

"Beg" he said

" i beg you please remove it. Let me cum" then i can hear his foot step came near to me as he open the ring and i shot my cum on my stomach. He then removed my blind fold as well. Now i could see his sexy face and see my rock hard cock as well. I was breathing heavily cause pleasure is still under me from the vibrator. He then started to take his cloths as well. I can see his erected cock as came close to me and placed himself between my legs . He came close to my face and kiss on my fore head,then cheeks,then jaw, then my neck . He suck my neck and left few marks then he started sucking my collarbone. Then he lift my legs on his shoulder and suddenly i felt a slap landed on my left ass cheeks.
"A.. Fuck" i moaned

"Little kitty you have to count ok?" he asked as i was breathing heavily i could not reply him and again a slap land on my ass cheeks.

"Aaaa.." i again moaned

"Ok?" he said as i nodded this time. He started slap my ass cheeks.
"1....,2...,3,4....." finally after 10 hits he stopped l was breathing heavily and i can tell that my ass cheeks are totally red. My cock got more erected from the pain and pleasure add the same time. I really want him so badly. I want to touch him. I know that this bastard
was teasing me and it was my punishment. I want to yell at him out of frustration but i cant even do that . Suddenly again he tied that ring. Fuck i hate it.
" Why a..are you tying this again?"

"I did not said that your punishment is over . Do you want me to fuck you baby boy? Huh?"
He said as i hated it to say but i nodded
"In words kitty"

"Y..yes." i said as he smirked.
"So tonight 's rule is you have to call me daddy for whole time got it baby boy?" he asked with smirk.

"O..okey, ve.....d..daddy" i said as i blushed hard cause i never said this kind of words.

"Good. Then be ready its going to be a long night" he said as he started to kiss my right  nipple and sucking it  as well and his other hand is playing with my left nipple. I was damn hard that if  i am not in cuffs i would ride him right away.

"Aaa..a.." i was moaning mess.


(please ignore my mistakes)

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