Chapter 3 - Meeting new face

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Vegas POV
I really don't want to go to the party because that family was the reason of my dad death. I am still not ready to face that family but Pete loves that family a lot and just for Pete i agree to go to the party. After getting ready i was checking myself in mirror
Suddenly Pete come and i swear he is looking so damn handsome . He is wearing a whole wine colour suit. His  chest is little reveling . His
heir is well set and he also put light make up on his face.  When i notice he is looking at me blankly and looking like he almost forget to breath i smirk and thought to tease him. So i called him.

"Pete..Pete....Pete..."he didn't answer so i yell last time.

"Ye-yes"he said nervously.

" Am i looking that handsome that you cant take of your eyes from me?"
I asked teasingly and started to get close to him until he hit his back on wall. I really love to tease him  a lot. His cheeks are really red like tomato and his ears are also red. He didn't dare to look at my eyes so i hold his chin and make him look at him. His body scent always make me calm. I lean close to him and pressed my lips on his soft plumpy pink lips. I started sucking his bottom lips and when i am about to deepen the kiss suddenly bedroom door open.

"Phi let........ Oops i am sorry for interruption but we actually getting let for party."Macau said
Pete is looking really embarrassed now .
"Yeah yeah lets go "i said .

I was really upset cause i really want to deepen the kiss. We left for the main house . After 20 minutes we reached. When we enter the house suddenly  everyone stared at us. Thankun came to   Pete and hugged him really tightly. After some seconds arm,pol,Porsche also hug him. Thankun ,Arm,Pol hold Pete arm and take him with them. I almost felt like i am invisible.

"Hey brother, what's up?How are you doing ?" Kinn said

"Yeah well."I said with a poker face .I don't know why but suddenly i started to fell really not well. Some time later i saw Macau also started to enjoy the party. After Pete came here he almost forget me and enjoying with thankun ,arm, pol.

"Are you fine now,Vegas?"Uncle Korn asked with a genuine smile.
But i don't know why i always felt some thing evil behind his smile.

"Yeah good" i said.

"if you want something you can always say me. I am also like your father." He said with smile

"No its fine."i said

"Then i hope you will enjoy the party today" he said and left.
I got confused what he mean by that. I started to take drinks cause i have nothing to do. After taking one or two drinks a lady suddenly approach me with a drink. She is having a white smooth skin,double eyelids,red lips. She is wearing a black reveling dress.

(English conversation)

"Hey hottie, can we drink together?" she said sexily but it really didn't affect me cause i already have some one who is more more sexier then her.
"Sorry but not interested"i said

"Oh come on i am just asking for drink together" she said

"I said no" i said irritatedly

"Please just one drink. Don't break my heart . After this i will leave " .she said
I swear if i was not in this party i will sure slap her but because i am in party and i don't want to make Pete embarrassed i take the drink.

"Now leave"i said harshly

"Yeah yeah no worries i will leave but let me introduce myself. So my name is Alley. New client of    Korn Theerapankyuel." she said with a smirk and left.
I got really weird feelings from that women but suddenly my head started spinning and i started feeling really dizzy. 

(Sorry for short chapters and for all my mistakes and kindly if you like please vote and follow me. Thank you.😊)

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