Chapter 16 - Danger

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Vegas POV.
Me and Pete were kissing each other so deeply but suddenly my phone started to ring. But we ignor it then again it started to ring.

"T..take it" he said.

"Aghhhhh" i got fustrated as i take the call. Who the hell is that who destroyed my moment.
(In call)
"Hello" i said
"Hey what"s up" a girl said and i got it who it was . It was Alley
"what happend?why did you call in this time" i asked.
"Actually i was missing you."
"Cut crap and say why did you call?" i asked.

"Come to meet me right now."

"What ! Are you out of your mind . You want me to mee you at this time? I asked

"Yes. I will sent you location. If you don't come you will get to know the consicuences and come alone."

"Aghhhhh. Fine"i said as i cut the call.
"What happened Vegas?who is it?"Pete asked.
"Alley. That fucking bitch want me to meet her now."i said.
"What. Now? " he asked with a concerned eyes.
"Yes. I have to go " i said.
"No you will not come." i said interrupting him as i know he will want to come along with me but i can't take that risk. I can't let anything happen to love of my life.

"No Vegas i...." he was about speak again but i placed a kiss on his lips.

"i don't want to hear anything. You will not come . That's final." i said

"Aghhhhh. Ok fine . But please take care of yourself and if something  happen please make sure to call me."he said.

"Don't worry i will be okey baby" i said as i left the house.
After i get  in  the car i got the location from Alley.

In location
When i reach in my location i saw that it was a really very big mansion and  so many bodygurds are outside with big guns. The area was so quiet as well. When i was about to enter in the mansion a gurd stop me.
"First we have to check you" he said as he fully check my cloths but did not found anything.

"Come behind me" he said as i follow him. It was a big royal mansion inside. That gurd take me to a bedroom.
"Go inside" he said as i enter in the room. That room was well decorated with candles and lights. Alley is sitting infront of me  on the red couch with leg crossing. She weared a black dress which was so short and her chest was really reaveling. She also put on a heavy make up. She was holding a glass of wine and drinking it seductivly. I can sense there some thing DANGER.

(I am really sorry for late update,shot update and mistakes. I have my exam so i am in pressure. I wright this part in hurried so ignore mistake please . Thank you)

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