Chapter 1

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BEEP BEEP BEEP BE. The sound of the alarm had snapped me out of my thoughts, my head turned towards the alarm. Showing it was currently 11am, I yawned, feeling sleepy. Dragging myself out of the bed. I walked into the bathroom, brushing my teeth, completing my skin care. God knows how important skin care actually is. I mean, doing nothing is not going to make your skin as clean and glass like.

I headed back into my bedroom, skimming my closet for an outfit. It really was not a good thing being a girl, and not an easy thing. I had settled for a white cropped jumper with a pair of light blue ripped straight legged jeans and my white air forces. I ran some mascara through my lashes, brushed my hair and ran down the stairs. It was so not easy to do make up, I was never the one to do it, it wasn't for me.

I headed into the kitchen, noticing my siblings, Aria and Aiden were fighting over the last donut. "Problem solved" I picked up the donut, shoving it into my mouth. They both snapped their heads glaring at me.

"You so did not just do that." Aiden screamed.

I shrugged in response, picking up my bag, heading out of the house. It was a daily routine of mine, leaving the house at 12pm, coming back home late at 12am. I did not like being at home. I hated my parents, mainly my father. He was the type of man to seem as if he was loving towards his family. But he was the complete opposite. He absolutely despised me, ever since I was born. I was the heir to his company, Anderson ltd. Of course he didn't want his daughter to take over.

I made my way towards the park, we always started our day with a skate at the park, well not me but my friends. Oh right I haven't introduced myself, I'm Alexandria Anderson, I'm 20 years old. I'm currently studying mathematics at NYU, that's right your baby's a nerd. But do I attend my lectures? The answer would be no.

"Hey slut," Lavender said, as she side hugged me.

"Hey, where's Carter?" I asked before feeling an arm around my shoulder.

"Looking for me baby cakes?" I turned to my left, seeing Carter.

"Carter I've told you a million times, don't call me that." I cringed.

"And baby cakes, I've told you a million times, I'm going to keep calling you that." He winked at me. "Anyways, girlies, I've got my skate tournament coming soon, so I've got to get as much practice as I can."

We watched as Carter, completed all his tricks, cheering him on. "Jasper asked about you again." I shook my head at her.

"Why can't this guy see I'm clearly not interested." Jasper was this guy from college who was literally obsessed with me. He wouldn't stop talking to me or asking me out.

"I think you should give the poor boy a chance." she laughed.

"As if, I'd rather kiss my toilet seat." I scoffed, "he's a fucking creep, who looked up Maeve Davis' skirt in 10th grade."

It wasn't long until Carter had finally finished his skate boarding practice. Currently it was 2pm, "Fuck, we're late." Lavender dragged us both towards our next location. Band practice.

Yes I was in a band, I was actually the main singer and played the piano, Lavender played guitar, Gabe played drums and Mike played the bass. The band was something we had started when we all met in high school, it started off with just me and lavender. We had met Gabe in middle of freshman year, Gabe and I had Art class together. Then finally we had met Mike when he started in Junior year. This was our band, 'Pretty Ugly'. I know, weird name but it was actually Carter's idea.

Once we had reached Mike's house, yes we practiced at Mike's house. We were still trying to make a name for ourselves, we couldn't afford actual studios to practice in. "Who's your daddy?" Gabe said as we walked into our band room.

"What have you done now?" I asked lazily.

"I managed to get us a deal for a party this weekend." We all looked at him in shock.

"No way!" Mike screamed.

"How?" This was one of our first deals we had gotten this year, it was hard getting deals when no one really knew who you were.

"Let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy." he smirked. "We play for 3 hours, get paid $2000."

"What?!" Lavender screeched. "That's like $500 dollars each."

"No way, now I wish I was as talented as you guys." Carter sighed.

"Seems as if it's a rich man's party." Gabe replied.


We had been practicing for 2 hours straight, I headed towards my phone, noticing I had a few missed calls, 5 being from my mother, 10 being from my father and few from my siblings. I also had a few text messages.

Aria: Don't come home. 4pm

Aria: I mean it, dad is pissed. 4:10pm

Aiden: Where are you? Are you safe? 4:11pm

Mom: You must get home now. 4:03pm

Dad: When I get my hands on you. 4:30pm

Well it seemed as if I wasn't heading home today, my parents were used to not seeing me for days. Whenever my father was pissed or angry, he would take the anger out on me. I never showed up home when he was angry, always staying at Lavender's house. She was the only one who knew.

"Hey guys, let's head to the lake." I suggested to Carter and Lavender. Lavender instantly knew what was going on, I always suggested going to the lake every time this happened. We hopped into Carter's car, me of course taking the front passenger seat. Only losers sat in the back seat.

Once we arrived at the lake, we stripped off our clothes, running and jumping into the water. Coming to the lake always made me feel at ease, it was just so peaceful here. The lake was found by me actually, one day when my father had beaten me up, I ran away, riding my bike, I fell off and ended up here. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Carter had splashed water all over me. "I'm so getting you for that," my eyes widened at him.

His eyes widened in response, trying to swim away from me, but I had caught his foot as he tried to escape. Pulling him towards me, I pushed his head under the water as I jumped on top of him. A lot of people had thoughts that Carter and I were dating or that we were in love. But that was all false, he was just a brother to me. Personally, I had always shipped Lavender and Carter, Lavender had the hugest crush on Carter.

"I think it's time we head home now," Lavender stated, looking at her phone. I nodded my head in response, looking at my phone. Again I had numerous of missed calls from my parents.

"Hello?" Aria answered the phone. "Okay so you're not dead."

"I'm sorry for not replying."

"Do you not know how stressed you made me and Adrian today." she scolded, she was the youngest, but sometimes I always thought that she was the mature one.

"I'm sorry, I was busy."

"Just one simple message wouldn't be fine, something like I don't know 'hey, I'm not dead by the way'."

"Listen, I'm heading home, we'll talk then." I ended the phone, making my way into Carter's car.

"Am I dropping you to Lavender's or your home?" Carter asked, turning on the engine.

"Home." I said, staring out the window, tears rolling down my face.

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