Chapter 38

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"Alex wake up." I felt someone nudge me, my eyes slowly fluttered open, in front of me stood Mateo. 

"Omg, Mateo, I have the scariest dream, Leo woke up and he forgot who I was." I quickly rushed out. 

Mateo did not say a word, he just looked at me with a guilt expression on his face, I looked to where he was looking, seeing Leonardo stood a few inches away. So the dream I had was real. Leonardo had completely forgotten who I was. I cry escaped me, as Mateo pulled me into a hug, allowing me to cry into his shoulder. 

"Okay, this is nonsense, everyone back to work." I heard Leonardo say, but his expression was completely different, he was speaking the same way as he had when we first had met. "Mateo, Micah and Val, my office now." 

I pulled away from Mateo, and he helped the both of us off of the floor, "Sophie, get her a glass of water." Mateo says to Sophie, and walks behind Leo. 

Sophie guides me to her desk, allowing me to sit, she hands me a bottle of water, before sitting beside me. "Is there anything else you would like Mrs Moretti?" 

"I'm okay, thank you Sophie. Could you just call me a cab, I'd like to go home." I say to her. 

"Sure, I'll go and do that right now." I watch as she walks over to the phone, calling a cab. I don't miss all the looks the staff gave me, some with empathy and some had sly grins on their faces. "Mrs Moretti, your cab is here." 

I smile and nod at Sophie, "Sophie, my bag and coat are in the office."

"I'll go grab those for you." She says. 

"No, I don't want you to interrupt their meeting, could you just ask Valentina to drop them off later, I'll be at the penthouse." I say to her. 

"Sure, I'll let her know." I thank her before walking towards the elevator, pressing the ground floor. What had my life come to. The man I had loved, no longer knew who I was. The man I was married to, was not aware he loved me. He was now the man whom I had met for the first time. 

I walked out of the elevator and found my cab waiting for me outside. I step inside, telling the driver the address for the penthouse, before texting Aria and Lav to meet me there. 


"What the fuck is going on?" I yelled at the three of them. By three of them, I meant Micah, Valentina and Mateo. 

"What's the last thing you remember." Micah asks. 

"What's that got to do with anything?" I question. 

"Just answer the damn question." Micah yells, raising his voice slightly louder. 

"Um, the last thing I remember is waking up in the hospital from getting shot." I explain, remembering how I got shot by my father's brother Michael, the same man who had abused me my whole childhood. 

"Getting shot?" Val whispers, but it was loud enough for all of us to hear. I sat in my chair, being engulfed by a smell of strawberries and lavender, the scent seemed familiar but I couldn't pinpoint where I knew it from. 

"How old are you Leo?" Micah says again. 

"Why the fuck are you asking me my age." I say with confusion. 

"Just answer it." Mateo now joins in. 

"26." I answer, remembering turning 26 a few months ago. 

"No, you're not." Micah says. 

"You think I don't know may own age." I say feeling irritated by their stupid questions. 

"But that's the thing man, you're 27, nearly 28." Mateo says. 

"What do you mean?" I now question them. 

"We will need to start from the beginning." Mateo says. 

"A few months ago, you made a deal with George Anderson, you would marry his eldest daughter and you would take over his company, Anderson Ltd.. You and Anderson, both forced his daughter into the marriage, after a few weeks you married Alexandria, she is the girl who was here earlier." Val begins explaining. 

"You and I had a plan, that once you married the girl, you would sign the papers to take over Anderson's business and then you would divorce her, but that planned failed, as Anderson said he would hand it over to you once you had his daughter had been married for a year. The both of you stayed married, not long ago, Alexandria tried to kill herself and ended up in the hospital. Slowly the two of you began to fall for each other. Anderson ended up dying from cancer and he signed the company over to you.  7 weeks ago, the two fo you went on a date, it got leaked, that you had planned to divorce her when getting her father's company. A few days later, when you were on your way to apologise to her, you ended up getting into a car crash. You were in a coma for 6 weeks Leo." Mateo carried on. 

"You're telling me, that Anderson dude finally got what he deserved" I smirked.

"From everything I just told you, that's all you got." Mateo says. 

"You're missing the big picture Leo, you were in love with his daughter, you were on your way to confess your love." Micah explains. 

"I think I would know if I was in love with someone." I explain, being hit by the scent again. "Can someone bring in air freshener, it smells really bad in here." 

"Come on Leo, you have to remember this." Val whines. 

"Unbutton your shirt." Micah says. 

"Yo, I don't swing that way." I say, backing away from him. 

"Just do as I say." He says, I slowly unbutton my white shirt, "Look."

I look to where his finger was pointing, seeing the name 'Alexandria' printed under a crown. "That does not mean anything." I say, buttoning up my shirt again. 

"Okay, open your first draw." Val says, looking to the draw on my left side. 

I slowly open the draw seeing a stack of pictures. There were a few pictures in there, I flipped through the pictures, some were pictures of me with the girl and some were pictures of her alone. She was a beautiful girl, but she was not my type. "Photoshopped." I say, throwing them onto the desk. 

"Omg Leo, you're too blinded to understand." Val says, slowly getting angrier at me. 

"I've never been in love and I never will be in love." I slowly say to them, "I don't understand why you cannot understand what I am saying."

"She changed that for you." Micah says. "and if you do not understand that, then I cannot be friends with you anymore." 

"You think I care if you're my friend or not." I say, "You're a little annoying pimple who never leaves Micah." 

"You've just ruined a 15 year old friendship Leo." Micah frowns before stomping out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 

"I don't know what's gotten into you Leo, but this is not you." Val says, following Micah's footsteps. 

"You going to leave as well, so I can get some work done?" I say, looking at Mateo. 

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