Chapter 25

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Cancer was the only thing on my mind that whole evening. As soon as mama had told me of father's condition I left the party, returning back to my bedroom, I didn't want to stay with Leo. I don't think I was able to enjoy anything, knowing that my father was going to die. I know he had abused me, for many years, tortured me. But at the end of the day, he was still my father, he raised me. There was one point in my life where he actually loved me, where he actually cared for me. 

Mother had told me that they had found the cancer too late, it was too late to do anything. The only thing we could do was say our goodbyes. She had told me he had wanted to see me. To be honest, I was scared. I hadn't seen him since that night when I had returned home. I wasn't aware of what was going to happen, what he would do. 

It was currently the next day, I had decided I was going to see my father. I was sure mama or Aiden must have told Leo of father's condition. He had messaged my phone this morning, asking if I was okay and to be ready for 12. I quickly put on a pair of black leggings, along with Leo's Harvard hoodie he had given me weeks ago. I paired this with white boots. I grabbed my white bag and walk downstairs. 

"Good morning." a cheery voice said to me. 

"What are you doing here?" I replied. 

"How rude." Micah scoffs at me. 

"If it looks like I give a damn, please tell me. I don't want to give off the wrong impression." I say to him. Walking past him and into the kitchen. 

"You're so funny." Micah says. 

"You know what's funny, your outfit from last night." I grabbed some orange juice from the fridge, pouring it into a glass. 

"Tell mw why I got a girl's number then." He smirked. 

"She probably gave it because she felt bad." 

"No, she told me she liked it." He says feeling proud. 

"She's lying." I patted his back, drinking the juice. 

"Leo, tell your wife to stop being mean to me." Micah whines, looking behind me, to whom I assume was Leo. 

"Hey wife." Leo says, pressing a kiss to the side of my forehead. 

"I said to tell her off, not give her a kiss." Micah scoffs. 

"Micah why are you even here?" Leo asks him. 

"You're all so mean to me." He cries, "I'm going home." He says, walking out of the kitchen. 

"Ready to go?" Leo turns to me.


"I don't want you to be alone with him." Leo tells me. 

"Leo I can handle him." I tell him. 

"No, I don't want anything to happen. I'll be with you," He says, grabbing my arm as we both leave his car, walking up the steps of my house. 

"Alex." Mother says as she opens the door for us, "Leo." 

We both greet her, before making our way upstairs, into father's bedroom. He was there, lying unconscious on the bed. Of course he was asleep. I walked further into the room, taking a seat beside him. "How's he?" I ask mama. 

"He's okay for now, but he's getting worse." she tells me. 

"Alexandria?" I turn my head, my eyes meeting my fathers. 

"Dad, how are you?" 

"Well here I am, with brain cancer," He shrugs, he looks around the room, his eyes meeting Leo and my mother. "Could I have a minute alone with my daughter."

Mother nods, leaving the room, but Leo stands his ground, "Why so you can hurt her more?" 

"Leo." I mutter, "Please." 

He nods, walking out, "I'll be just outside, okay." 

"Alexandria, I'm so sorry." Father says weakly, "I should never have hurt you, you're my daughter for gods sake. I shouldn't have ever touched you. I guess it all caught up with me, this is God punishing me for what I ddi to you. I deserve this cancer." 

"Dad it's okay I-" But he cuts me off. 

"No, I don't want you to forgive me Alex. I want you to hate me for everything I did, I don't know how long I have left Alex, but I want to spend those last days with you, I want to make up the time I wasted with you." He says tears streaming down his cheeks, "I don't want you to remember this about me, remembering that your own father had abused you. Alexandria, I'm going to confess, I'm going to tell you mother everything I had done to you." 

"Dad no, she's going to hate you." I say, grabbing his hand in mine. 

"I don't care, I should never have done what I did." Tears were now streaming down my own face. "I love you so much, my beautiful daughter. I'm so sorry for everything, I'm so sorry for not even having the guts to come visit you in the hospital, I'm sorry for facing you to marry Leonardo. I'm so sorry for everything." 

"I love you too dad." I smile at him, getting into the bed beside him, allowing him to hold me in his arms. 


"Leo I just wanted to say thank you for looking after my daughter, even when I couldn't. For protecting her from me. I'm so sorry for everything that had happened." Father says to Leo, who was sat beside us. 

"It's been my pleasure sir." Leo replies. 

"George, call me George." Dad says, turning around, grabbing something from the table. "I've sighed these papers, once I die, the company is yours. Both of yours." He hands the papers to Leo. "Take care of my babies for me Leo."

"Always George." Leo smiles. 

"Alex, this is for you." Dad says, handing me a small box. I opened the box, revealing a bracelet with a pumpkin charm. 

"Omg dad." I say, remembering how he used to call me his little pumpkin when I was younger. I could feel the tears in my eyes, "Dad please don't leave me." I say crying. 

"I'm so sorry my pumpkin." I hug him one more time. I sit back beside him, clasping the bracelet around my wrist. "Can you do me a favour Pumpkin?" 

"Anything." I cry out. 

"Sing for me." 

"You tucked me in, turned out the lights
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like thatBrushed my teeth and combed my hair had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when
I looked backYou had to do it all alone, make a livin' make a home
Must have been as hard as it could beAnd when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to meCaterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Cant go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry hold in tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly awayButterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
Flap your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come trueButterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
We've been waiting for this day
All along and knowing just what to do
Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly awayButterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away" (yes this song is from Hannah Montana the movie.)

I looked over at my father, who now had his eyes closed. "Dad?" I say. "Dad, wake up." 

I shook his body, tears streaming down my face again, "No, dad, please don't leave me. Dad wake up." I screamed out in pain, "Leo, please, he can't die, he can't be gone." 

Leo pulled my body into his, hugging me close as I screamed. "What's going on?" Aiden ran into the room. 

"Dad please come back to me." I whispered. 

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