Chapter 52

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hey guys I'm so sorry for the late update, I've been really busy and then I got really ill, sprained my ankle too. But I'm back now!!! Updates will be 2-3 times a week. 

also If anyone knows how to make a belly piercing stop bleeding please help!! thanks 


"You worthless whore." Jasper's belt slashes against my bare back once more. I screamed out in pain. 

"Stop it." Valentina screamed from beside me. Jasper had finally brought her back into the room and then proceeded to hurt the both of us, but because she shouldn't have been here, I took all the hits. I didn't allow him to touch her. It was all my fault we were in here. 

"Shut up you whiney bitch." Jasper snapped towards her. 

"Jasper please don't." I yelled, not wanting him to touch her. 

"Shut up Alexandria, don't tell me what to do." He says, slapping me across the face, tears now streamed down my face, "Stop crying, you look like a fucking rat." 

"Jasper." A man from behind us saying, catching Jasper's attention. 

"I'll be back." Jasper warns us before walking out of the room. 

"Alex, are you okay?" Valentina says, "I'm so sorry I can't stop him." 

"I'll be okay." I say to her, "You need to escape, go find a phone and call Leo." 

"How?" she asks before I begin explaining the plan. 


It's been two days since I've been out of prison, 2 days of me trying to figure out how to get them out of that warehouse. Mateo had spoken to his friends from the mafia, they agreed to help but of course their help always came with a price. But the price was something I was willing to pay, I would do anything to get my girl back. 

I had the men load up their guns, it was time I was going to get my girl back. I quietly thanked my uncle who had taught me how to use a gun when I was younger, that kind of backfired on him, since I had shot him after he tortured me. 

"Let's go." I said to Mateo's friends, walking towards the black jeeps. 

I climbed into the first one, seated with Micah, Mateo and Mateo's mafia friend who was the leader. I know, why am I bringing Micah, the useless bitch to a gun fight. I have no idea. "So the plan is, my gang and I will begin shooting to create a distraction, you guys run through and head to the girls. I will give you only 10 minutes before leaving you behind so you better hurry." Mateo's friend, Luca, says. 

"We'll be done in 2 minutes." Micah states, holding his gun out and pretending to shoot. 

"Did we have to bring him?" Mateo sighs, rolling his eyes. 

Once we pulled up close to the warehouse, "We'll get off here so they don't see us coming. You three stay here and when you hear my signal you come." Luca says, before gesturing to his men and they run off. 

"But what was the signal?" Micah says

"You're staying in the car." I point to the car. 

"What! no! I'm coming with you." He argues. "My best friend is in there." 

"Micah you're staying, or I'll take that gun and I'll shoot you with it." I glare at him, I watch as he gulps before sitting back in the car. 

"How do we-" Mateo starts but is cut off by gun shots. 

"I guess that's our signal." I say, running in the direction of the warehouse, with Mateo hot on my trail. Once we reach the entrance, we slowly slip behind the huge boxes of cargo, avoiding any of Jasper's friends. I follow Mateo as he leads us into the direction of the girls. 

"Where do you think you're going?" We turn around, coming face to face with a dark skinned guy, who had a cut across his eyebrow. "Oh just wait until Jasper hears I've caught Leonardo Moretti." He smirks, finally realising who we were. "Come with me." He says, holding a gun up. 

"I don't think so."  A familiar voice says, before a loud gun sound is heard and the guy falls to the ground. I look back up seeing Micah stood before us. "I told you guys you would need me." He says pretending the blow his gun. 

"Anyways, let's go find them." Mateo says. 

"A thank you would be nice." Micah says, following behind us. "We don't even know exactly where they-."

But he's cut off by a familiar brunette, walking towards us. "Is that- is that Val?" Mateo says. 

"Omg." Micah says before we begin running towards her. As soon as we approach her, I pull her into a tight hug, and listen to her cries. 

"Where's Alex?" I ask her, pulling away. 

"She's- I'm so sorry." She begins but breaks down crying again. 

"Where is she Valentina?" I ask again, Val points to a door before I run towards it. 

I slam the door open, seeing my principessa on the ground covered in bruises. "Alexandria?" I whisper. 

I watch as her figure slowly turns, facing me, "Leo?" Her small voice says. I rush towards her, pulling her into my arms. 

"I'm so sorry principessa, I'm so sorry." After pulling back from her, I take in her appearance, "I'm going to kill him." I growl. 

"Leo please take me home." She cries, I pick her up into my arms, carrying her out. I meet back up with the boys and Valentina, before we make our way back into the car. I place her into the back seat. 

"I'll be back principessa." I say, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 

"Leo, please stay with me." She whispers. 

"I'll be back." I say, closing the car door, running back to the warehouse. I was going to have Jasper's head, even if that was the last thing I did. 

"Well well well, Leonardo Moretti." I come face to face with Jasper, I pull up my gun, facing it towards him. "Come on, use your fists, let's settle this like men." 

I watch as Jasper throws his gun to the side, and I do the same, walking towards him. Suddenly, Jasper lunged forward with a right hook, but I dodged it easily and countered with a left jab. Jasper stumbled backwards, but quickly regained his balance and charged forward again. This time, he landed a glancing blow to my ribs, causing me to gasp for air. Punches landed with sickening thuds, and the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I landed a decisive blow. My fist connected with Jasper's chin, and his legs buckled beneath him. He fell to the ground.  I sat on top of him, throwing punches on his face. "This is for what you did to my girl," I say, grabbing the gun from behind me, and shooting him between his eyes. 

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