Chapter 50

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Just to clarify, this is a CEO book not a mafia book, but Jasper is involved in the mafia. 


I pulled up to the warehouse, parking my car far from the warehouse, but not too far that we would have to run far to escape. "We're going to go in there?" Micah gulps from the back seat. 

"Did you have to bring him?" Aiden, Alexandria's brother asks from beside me. 

"I had no choice, he won't stop moaning about Alexandria." I sigh. 

"Well we better find her, my mother's going crazy," He turns towards Micah, "So yeah, we are going in there." 

"How about I stay as a look out, and you two go in." Micah Gulps, "At least if you two die, Leonardo will still have me." 

"Trust me, you're the last person he'll want to have." I tell him, "Get out." 

The three of us step out of the car, I pull out a gun from my glovebox, tucking it into the back of my trousers, handing one to Aiden, "Why don't I get one?" Micah asks. 

"Do I need to shoot you in the head?" he gulps before shaking his head. we slowly make out way to the warehouse, as we approach it, I open the door, slowly to ensure no now could hear us. 

The three of us tip toe, hiding behind boxes. I switch my phone on, allowing it to record the audio in case it picks anything up. It seemed as though the warehouse was empty, I stepped out of our hiding spot, walking further into the warehouse. I opened a few doors, hoping to find Alexandria and Valentina, but they were nowhere to be found. 

"So what are you planning to do with her?" I hear someone's voice say. I walk closer to the door, standing to the side, so I could hear clearly. I motion to Aiden and Micah to look around the warehouse as I listen to this conversation. 

"I have no use for her, I didn't even want to take her, she just happened to be with Alexandria." Another voice says, who I assume was Jason. Were they talking about Valentina?

"What do you want me to do boss?" The first voice says. "She's just rotting in that cell." 

"I don't know, do whatever, just get her out of my sight." Jason says to the man. 

"Don't mind if I do," I could hear the smirk in his voice. My hand quickly moved to open the door and shoo the guy in his head. "And Leonardo?" 

My hand stopped at the sound of my brother's name. "He's in jail, where he should be, he won't be leaving anytime soon, when I send more evidence that he actually killed them, they'll kill him." 

My hand moved, slamming the door open. "What did you just say?" 

Jason jumped from his seat, "How did you find me?" 

"It wasn't hard." I smirk. 

"Leave," Jason says to his man, "Check if anyone else is here." 

"You set Leo up." I growl at him. 

"So?" Jason smiles, "I gave your brother multiple chances, he didn't want to work alongside me, and he took my girl." 

"She's not your girl!" I scoffed at him, "What kind of man takes those kind of pictures of girls?" 

"How did you find those?" Jason snapped. 

"It wasn't hard finding your house and your weed stash, which by the way led us here." I explained. "You're going to jail Jason." 

"Not when there is no evidence." He says, crossing his arms against his chest. 

I pull out the phone, "I recorded everything." I hit end, holding it out to him so that he could see. 

"On what phone?" He says before a bullet hit the phone and I screamed out in pain as the bullet went through my hand.

"You fucking cunt." I groaned out in pain. 

"Boss, I found these two lurking around," The man from before says, walking in with Aiden and Micah. "What should I do with them?"

"Let them leave, it's not like they have nay evidence anymore." Jason laughs. 

"You fucking cunt, I'm going to kill you." Aiden sneers, "I'm not leaving without my sister." 

"Well you're going to have to, because she's mine now." Jason says, "Get out before I shoot the three of you in the heads." 


I groaned in pain, feeling the bruises in my stomach from this morning's kicks. I hadn't seen Jason in a while. He had different men come in and check on me. Everyday they would torture me, I begged for them to allow me to see Val but they didn't listen

"I'm so sorry." The man beside me says, he was one of Jason's men, but he was kind to me. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you." 

"Please let me see Valentina." I beg him. 

"I wish I could Alexandria, but I can't, he's kept her near his office." He explains. 

"Okay well then help her escape or something, she shouldn't be in here." My voice croaks. "Or at least try and contact Leonardo, please, I need to know if he's okay." 

"I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything." He says, before walking out. 

The next guy walks in not so long after that, "are we ready?" He smirks at me as my eyes begin to pool with water. I close my eyes as he begins to rip off his shirt and unbuckle his pants, knowing what's about to come. 


I laid on the ground, naked, unable to move from what I had just experienced. The door slams open. I was too tired to look up, I just wanted for my next punishment. "Your friends are getting very close." I look up seeing Jason, "They came here today, they were so close to finding you." 

"Who?" I croak. 

"Micah, Mateo and your brother." Jason says, coming closer and sitting beside me. He would do this every time he saw me. He would put me against his body and would stroke my hair. "Of course I shot Mateo after he recorded my conversation with Flynn." 

My neck snapped towards Jason, "you promised you wouldn't do anything to them." 

"I did, but that was before he had enough evidence against me," He explains, his hand trailing around my neck, "If they come again, you're dead Alexandria." He says gripping onto my neck. 

He takes out his phone, dialling a number. "You tell them not to look for you." He tells me. 

"Hello?" I hear Mateo's voice say through the phone.

"Mateo," I croak out. 

"Alexandria?" He says, "Omg are you okay? Where are you?" 

"Mateo, stop looking for me," I say, as tears fill my eyes, I feel Jason's hand drop tighter against my throat. 

"What do you mean?" He says. 

"I don't want you to look for me." I say before Jason ends the call and stands up. 

He throws my body against the floor, before walking towards the door and slamming it shut. 

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