Chapter 51

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"What do you mean she said not to look for her?" I clenched my fists, not believing a word Micah and my brother were saying. 

"She literally said Mateo stop looking for me." Mateo says, "and then she said she doesn't want us to find her." 

"Dude, you probably pissed her off and she ran away." Micah says, chuckling behind Mateo. 

"I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't get out of here." I sneer at him. 

Micah jumps out of his seat, running towards the door, "Maybe it's a good idea you're in here." He says one last time. 

"Get out." I yell, making Micah cower and run out of the prison room before slamming the door shut behind him. 

"I did manage to trace the call and it led back to the warehouse Micah, Aiden and I went to before Jasper found us." Micah says making me turn my attention back to him. 

"There's got to be a secret door or something." I say, "you need to find it, I can't do anything from in here." 

"You won't need to worry about that, I managed to get a recording of the phone call and we have proof that Alexandria is alive." Aiden says, holding up his phone. 

"Then why am I still in here?" I question them both. 

"Because I've only just got here." Matthew, my Lawyer, says walking into the room. 

"What can you do for me then?" I ask as he takes a seat in front of me. 

"It's not that easy Mr Moretti, I've spoken to the jury and they say that the recording is not enough evidence," Matthew begins.

"Why am I paying you if you can't help me." I snap. 

"Listen to me, the jury says if you can play your case, they'll allow you out but with constant monitoring." Matthew finishes. "We have 10 hours to put together enough evidence." 


I walked through the doors of the courtroom, making my way and taking a seat beside Matthew. Behind me in the seats sat my family along with Alexandrias. Matthew stood up, making his way to stand in front of the judge. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury," Matthew began in his opening statement. "You have been told that Leonardo Moretti is guilty of a terrible crime. But I am here to tell you that the evidence against him is circumstantial at best."

"I have a witness who has stated that they saw Alexandria and Valentina being taken from the mall, Catherine would you please come up." Matthew says, before a middle aged lady walks out, taking a seat beside the judge. 

"Go on Catherine." The judge says to the female. 

"Well, I was out shopping for my daughter's 16th birthday present, and all of a sudden a group of men marched in, and grabbed 2 girls, dragging them both out and throwing them in the back of a van." 

"And why was nothing done at that time?" A male from the jury asks. 

"I am a female, I am unable to fight off that many men, I screamed for help, but it was empty and no one cared to listen to my cries for help." Catherine answers. 

"Thank you Catherine." Matthew says, "I also have a statement from Alexandria's mother." 

I watched a Julia walked up, sitting in the same seat, Catherine was just in. She looked my way, giving me a smile before turning to face the Judge. "The marriage between my daughter and Leonardo was arranged, Alexandria begged me to tell her father to not allow this marriage between them. But I couldn't, I only wished and prayed to God that Leonardo was a man who could learn to love my daughter and treat her the way she should be treated. Ever since they got engaged, I watched their love grow, I could see in both their eyes how much they love each other.

"When we found out that George, Alexandria's father, had cancer, Leonardo was there for her every step of the way. I knew from that moment that my daughter had found her true love and he had loved her the same way as she loved him. Every time I saw Leonardo, he gushed about how much he loved my daughter and how grateful he is to have her in his life." Julia finished off, tears streaming down her face. "Please, he's innocent, I promise you he didn't kill her or his sister."  

"When the police went to investigate in Leonardo's apartment did they find any evidence?" Matthew asks the judge. 

"I don't think they did." The judge replies. 

"Then how can you insist that Leonardo is guilty without any evidence and only a word of one man." Matthew says. "Looking at his record, he is clean of any crimes or fines." 

"After considering all the evidence presented in this case, it is the decision of this court that the defendant is not guilty of the charges brought against them. The defendant is hereby acquitted and is free to go. This case is now closed until further evidence is found." The judge says, tapping the gavel on the table. 

Everyone bursts into cheers, making me jump out of my seat, pulling Matthew into a tight hug, "Thank you." 

"Any time, it's what I'm getting paid for." He winks at me, "I hope you find her." 

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