Chapter 46

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I closed the box, tucking it under the bed. Hiding it, not wanting Leo to come across it yet. I wasn't ready to tell him I had found out I was pregnant. I was scared he wasn't ready himself. We had only just gotten back together after a few months of being a part. 

"Hey principessa." The opens, I hear Leo's footsteps coming closer into the room, his arms wrapping around my waist. He places his head into my neck. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I tell him, turning around to face him. He leans down and places a kiss on my lips, before he can deepen the kiss, I pull away. 

"What's wrong?" He asks. 

"Nothing." I shake my head. 

"Principessa, I can tell when you're lying, tell me what's bothering you, we'll sort it out together." He tells me, grabbing my face into the palms of his hands. 

Tears filled my eyes, and cries left my mouth as Leo pulled me into his chest. He rubbed my back, comforting me as I cried into his shirt. "Alexandria, please tell me what's wrong, you're worrying me." 

"You- you're going to ha-hate me." I balled into his chest. 

"Principessa, I could never hate you." He tells me. 

I pulled away from him, wiping my face of the tears. I leaned down, pulling the box from under the bed. Handing it to Leo. He looked at me in confusion, "sit and open it." 

He sat on the bed, I followed beside him. I watched as he pulled the white lid off of the box, taking out the contents. He began by pulling out the baby blanket, still looking confused. "I don't understand." 

I reached into the box, pulling out the pregnancy test. "Two lines means positive." 

He looked deeply at the test, before a smile was placed on his lips, "Principessa, is this why you thought I would hate you?" I nodded, "I'm happy you're pregnant, I mean maybe it's a little too early, but I am 27, it's about time." 

He pulled me into a hug, pressing his lips onto mine. 


"Mrs Moretti." The nurse says, before I get out of my seat and follow her into the room. As soon as I had told Leo, he had called the hospital this morning and insisted I have an appointment. 

"Mr and Mrs Moretti, it's nice to meet you, I'm Samantha and I'll be your midwife through your pregnancy. Please take a seat." The midwife says as we both take a seat in front of her. "So when did you find out?" 

"I found out yesterday." I tell her, she nods before replying. 

"Okay, let's get you onto the table so we can see how far along you are." 

I stand up, taking a seat on the bed to allow her to do an ultrasound. I pull up my shirt and flinch as she places the cold gel on my stomach. "It is a little early to tell, you look to be around 2 weeks." She wipes the gel off of my stomach, and I follow her back to our seats. 

"When is our next appointment?" Leo asks. 

"You can book your next scan for when you're 11 weeks." Samantha says. 

"That's too far, I want her to be checked every 2 weeks, to make sure nothing is wrong." Leo says. 

"Leo." I groan at his overprotectiveness. 

"It's okay, a lot of dads get overwhelmed with things like this. But Mr Moretti, I can assure you, your wife is in great hands." Samantha explains. 


"Oh god, why do you always have to be so embarrassing." I groan as we get into his car. 

"I want to make sure you're healthy and nothing is going to happen." He puts the car into drive and pulls out of the parking lot. 

"Leo I'm going to be fine." I groan again. 

"I don't care," He places his hand on my thigh, "I want to be extra cautious." 

I move his hand away from me, "Go away." 

He chuckles, "You think that's going to keep me away from you. You're mine principessa, don't forget that." He places his hand on my thigh again, "Are you hungry?" 

Just as he says that, my stomach begins to rumble, "I'll take that as a yes." 

I sit in silence as Leo pulls into the nearest McDonald's, he tells them our order before paying and driving back onto the road. He hands me the bag, after grabbing himself some fries. "Why are you not eating?" He asks, but I continue to ignore him. "Alexandria, don't make me pull over and punish you because you don't listen to me." 

"I hate you Leo." I groan, digging my hand into the bag and pulling out the chicken nuggets. I bite into the nugget, letting out a loud moan. 

"Principessa, you're not allowed to moan unless it's by me." He tells me but I purposely moan again. "You're lucky you're pregnant otherwise I would've pulled over and taken you here right now." 

"You can still have sex whilst pregnant." I reply. 

"I didn't say sex, I was going to punish you for disobeying me." He says, looking over at me. 


This chapter is quite short. but I wanted to know if you guys wanted more details through the pregnancy or should I have some time skips? 

Also are you team boy or girl!!!

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